Chapter 15

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Derek carried a crying Stiles into his house, and as soon as he stepped inside, Isaac ran to him. "What happened?!" Isaac asked looking alarmed as he eyed Stiles before looking at Derek. "I'll explain later," Derek simply said before walking past Isaac and up to his room.

He pushed the door open with his foot before going to lay Stiles on the bed. "Don't leave me," Stiles whispered out as his arms moved to wrap around Derek's neck. He was scared and needed to feel safe, and right now Derek felt safe.

Derek frowned, Stiles was shaking in his arms, he could even smell his fear rolling off him and it was sickening. "I won't ever leave you again," Derek said as he moved to lay down the bed besides Stiles. As soon as he did, Stiles moved closer to Derek. Stiles buried his face in his chest as he tightly held onto the alpha. Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles, pulling him closer as he pressed a kiss to his head. He could hear Stiles start to cry again.

When Stiles finally fell asleep, Derek pulled away as he whipped away the tears staining Stiles face. "I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner," he whispered as his thumb brushed over Stiles lips. He leaned into him and captured his lips in a kiss.

Isaac who was peeking through the wide open door blushed as he watched the alpha kiss a sleeping Stiles. He wasn't stupid he had smelled them before Derek even drove up to the house. Stiles scent it had returned, as well as the true paternity of the baby was evident to his wolfy nose.

"Isaac," Derek called out, making Isaac flinch at the sound of Derek's voice. "Y-Yes?" Isaac stuttered afraid the alpha would yell at him. "Call the pack, we need everyone here now, except Kira." Derek said as he looked towards Isaac. "I'm on it," Isaac said before running off to get everyone.

Derek had moved to sit on the bed before looking back at Stiles, he couldn't blame anyone else for his pain but himself. All his pain had started the night their baby was conceived. He had thought they would be protecting him this way but they only seemed to have pushed Stiles in danger's hands. His eyes landed on the bump pocking out of Stiles shirt and couldn't help but sigh in content, it was his.

"I'll do everything possible to keep you and your mom safe," Derek whispered as he let his hand rub at the growing bump before placing a kiss on it.


Stiles was falling further and further into the dark oblivion of his mind and he wasn't even aware of it.

He sat there in the dark with his legs pulled up, arms wrapped around his knees and his face hiding in his arms. Not finding it weird that nothing was surrounding him or that his baby bump was gone. Stiles just sat there giving up as his mind was being stripped from every memory. His demon slowly taking over and it was taking everything that Stiles stood for, with it.

"Stiles, honey, what are you doing?" Came the voice of a woman.

"Mom?" Stiles whispered out as he looked up to find his mother looking his way, he was in a different place now than in the darkness he had found himself in moments ago. He remembered this, it was his dad's birthday, a year or two before his mom got sick.

"I'm making daddy a cake," He heard himself reply, and turned around to find his 7 year old self standing on a chair, in his mom's apron, covered in flower. There were so many bowls pulled out all dirtied, flowers sitting on the counter near egg shells, milk spilled all over the counter, dough splattered all over the counter and chocolate chips on the floor. The fridge was wide open and cabinets left open, he really was a messy kid. "Mommy always makes me a cake on my birthday, so, I wanted to make daddy one on his birthday too."

He smiled as he watched himself and his mom before hearing his name be called again and turned to find Suzy sitting on a the dining table stuffing her face with pudding, "I could live off pudding!" she giggled as she turned to look at Stiles saying, "You have to promise to buy me some next time you go to the supermarket."

"Suzy..." Stiles said softly as tears fell down his cheeks. He clenched his chest, the pain, he could still feel it. Stiles watched as another figure moved to stand besides Suzy, it was Mr. J. He was smiling at Stiles but he didn't say anything, and that made Stiles cry out, "You said you wouldn't leave me! Why did you have to go?!" He stumbled to knees as he watched their figures fade into the dark.

"STILES! STILES!" The voice calling his name echoed around him, it sounded so familiar to him but he couldn't put a name to the voice. He couldn't even remember what had caused his tears.

He just sat there listening to the voice that was calling him start to fade into a small whisper. It sounded to sad. Who was he crying out for?

"Stiles? Is that me?" Stiles asked himself as his eyes began to get clouded, his face turning cold.

"Mommy, are we dead?" came a little voice as a little girl curled up in Stiles lap, but Stiles didn't respond he just stayed sitting there so lifeless. His body was getting to heavy to move.

"Mommy, Daddy is calling us," the little girl said as she looked up at Stiles, "Will we see Daddy if we wait here?"

Stiles lowered his head a bit was he watched the little girl, he didn't know who she was or why she called him mommy. He wanted to ask 'Who are you?' but he couldn't seem to open his mouth. He could barely see her, through watery eyes, but he could tell, she was dying and that brought him pain.

He didn't know why she made him feel like that, but she did and now she was fading from his lap as her little eyes closed.

Stiles mumbled a name but he couldn't hear himself anymore. He watched helplessly as the little girl fade.

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