Chapter 19

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Stiles had been sitting at the kitchen table happily eating away at his breakfast, fruit salad with whip cream, powdered sugar and chocolate syrup. Everyone gathered at the table, eating in comfortable silence, well at least the demons were, they still felt odd but at least the peace between both packs remained.

Stiles was in a very good mood today, and mostly it had to do with last night. He was happy, but apparently the world couldn't ever see Stiles happy because just few seat's away, Peter, was sitting there starring at Stiles. "Take a picture it'll last longer." He huffed before stuffing his face with more watermelon. Peter raised a brow at Stiles before looking at Derek, "It's uncanny, to think I offered him the bite and refused it only to say yes to a demon."

"It's not like I had a choice, I apparently was born demon." Stiles huffed before waddling into the living room where Ester was fixing the living room up from the mess everyone had left. "Born demon?" Peter questioned as he watched Stiles retrieving form before looking at Derek and adding, "Do tell dear nephew."

Derek rolled his eyes before proceeding to tell Peter about their situation at hand, leaving out a few details he didn't think Peter needed to know. "I see you've found yourself a real keeper." Peter half joked before looking at Stiles stretched out on the couch, "Well I suggest we kill it, like the Argent said." Derek took his eyes off Stiles and growled at Peter, "Don't dare touch him."

Peter's smirk widen and said, "I won't have too."


Stiles was sitting on the couch with Ester placed besides him and Isaac asleep on the floor by his feet. "Hey Ester, I've done a little research and a werewolf's full term pregnancy is 3 months. So, where does that put me?"

"Hm, I'd say somewhere in between, since both you and Derek aren't exactly human." Ester said with a smile.

"Will she grow up fast too?" Stiles asked worried, he didn't want her to die before him.

"Don't worry, she's nearly pure blood, even though she won't be full demon. She's close to being pure blood, so I'm nearly positive she'll out live us all." Ester said with a smile as he and Stiles silently conversed more about the baby. It made Stiles smile a bite more, it reminded him of talking to Suzy.

"Stiles..." Ester and Stiles both heard as they looked around the room confused. It was Jay's voice, but that was impossible, he was dead.

"Tell me you heard that," Stiles said as he got up from the couch and looked around until he heard it again. His eyes landed on the window and there, just in the far distance Mr. J was standing there.

"STILES!" Stiles heard Derek yell before turning around, the living room was gone from around him, and replaced with the woods.


"Stiles, no, you can't be here! Run!" He heard and turned towards the voice only to see Mr. J there being held down by chains. For a moment, he smiled before looking for Suzy. If, Mr. J was alive that meant Suzy was, too, right? But Mr. J's eyes told him otherwise, she hadn't made it, and his smile dropped.

"Well done Jay, you called out the Inugumi." Said the same voice he had dread in his dreams. Stiles stiffened and turned around only to see Kira standing behind her mom, with two men holding her arms. Her head was lowered. This had to be a dream, it just had to be!

"Well, I see you wasted no time repopulating your tribe." Ms. Yukimura said as she played with a blade in her hand, from the looks of it, it had fresh blood on it. Stiles couldn't help but think, it better not belong to any of his family members.

"You wanted me, I'm here. Now let them go." Sties said as he tried to stay cool, Derek should be looking for him now.

"Oh, no, dear child, we don't wish to kill you. At least not yet. " Ms. Yukimura said before motioning with her hand for a man to step forward. Stiles hissed silently in warning at the man as he took a step back, but the smell of blood filled his nostrils.

It was sickening death clinged to the man, and it was making him sick to his stomach. "We thought you'd like your runt back, well what's left of her." The man said as he tossed the rather small bag towards Stiles. Stiles eyes watered at what the man said before looking up at them with bleu orbs. "You bitch!" Stiles hissed as he was about to attack the woman, or at least try, but ended up being pointed at with a sword.

"We aren't the only ones you should be blaming. Your wolf could have saved her but he chose to sit back and watch them both die just to get you. Why do you think that is?" Ms. Yukimura said as she moved towards Mr. J. "You're the one most familiar with Kitsunes, so tell him. Do we ever let someone walk away unharmed?"

Stiles shook his head as he looked at Mr. J, "No, it's a lie! Derek wouldn't do that to me!" Ms. Yukimura smirked and looked back at Stiles as she said, "Then ask you demon's, they knew Derek was following you around 24/7 just like they were. Derek's intentions never were to save anyone but you. And why? Because you're carry that abomination within you."

"Or Do I lie?" Ms. Yukimura asked as she looked at Mr. J. Mr. J frowned, he couldn't hear her heart falther, she wasn't lying from what he could hear, nor could he smell deceit either. Ms. Yukimura noticed the frown, before looking at cutting the chains as they shoved Kira towards Stiles.

"You are no daughter of mine," Ms. Yukimura said with disgust.

Kira just let her head hang low to hide her shame from view. "K-Kira... s-she's lying right? This is something to just hurt me right?" Stiles cried but Kira didn't seem to know what to say. Stiles turned to Mr. J who was pushing himself of the ground and shoving the chins angrily, "I didn't smell deceit, Stiles."

No, Derek couldn't be like that, he would never hurt him intentionally.

But Stiles mind betrayed him, listing every time Derek had intentionally hurt him.

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