Chapter 31

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Stiles turned around only to see the Kitsune holding a kunai up about to attack him but his body only ended up falling to the floor, dead. His eyes widen when he saw the large bullet wound implanted on the kitsunes back before his eyes rose to look towards where it came from only to see Chris Argent holding a gun up, pointed at him.

"Sorry I'm late for the party, but you two are hard to trace down." Chris said with a grin as his men started to rush into the war before pulling out another gun from inside his jacket and firing the gun at a kitsune that was attacking his daughter.

Stiles backed up only to bump into something. When he turned around he saw Derek standing behind him, before he felt him wrap his arms around him and pulling him closer. "What are you doing here Argent?" Derek snarled as he pushed Stiles away from Argent's view. "We can talk later, right now it's better to just save everyone." Chris said before aiming his gun behind the couple and shooting down another Kitsune then another.

Stiles looked back at Derek and said, "I need to get to Scott, please Derek." Derek looked at his mate and frowned before it slowly turned into a glare, "I told you to get yourself somewhere safe! I won't and can't risk losing you." "You can't just expect me to sit and wait for you to come back, Derek! This is my pack too, and they need me!" Stiles said before his eyes began to glow even more then they had before. "I can't risk losing you either." Stiles said as he leaned up and kissed Derek's lips, which Derek returned as his arms pulled his mate even closer.

When they pulled away Stiles looked towards the Kitsunes making their way towards them and held out his hand, throwing them back as far as Erica and Boyd were. Stiles freed them and a few of his pack members from the kitsunes' claws, which they were much grateful for. Boyd ran to Erica's side and pulled her to him as he kissed her head, before they both quickly regained their ground.

Stiles looked at Derek before running towards his fallen pack mate, Mr. J, who was trying to get up from under a unconscious kitsune. "Jay!" Stiles yelled as he reached his pack mate and helped him up. As soon as his hands touched the demon, his wounds quickly vanished. "I'm fine," Mr. J said as he moved away and shoved a kitsune away from them before he could attack them. "Jay I need you to get to Scott, get him out of here. Round everyone and get them all out of here." Stiles ordered before looking towards Derek, who was fighting off the kitsunes off Peter and Isaac.

"I'm on it," Mr. J said before looking towards the demon's that where still standing and letting out a loud growl that made them all stop and look towards them. The demons started to disappear and reappear with everyone who in their combined pack.

Stiles turned towards the armed men and saw them freeing Kira but when she was freed Kira raced out of her imprisonment before running towards Stiles. "Kira, we need to end this now." Stiles said to her when she finally stopped in front of him. "I don't have control over them, it won't work if they don't trust me." Kira said before looking behind Stiles only to see another kitsune wanting to kill Stiles.

Kira hissed and jumped towards the kitsune before sinking her fangs into the man's shoulder. Her head shook as the flesh of the kitsune started to tear apart, making him scream in agonizing pain. Stiles watched in horror but he knew that if she hadn't attacked him, he would have been the one dead.

"Stiles!" He suddenly heard but as he turned around a kitsune was face to face with him, with one hand on his shoulder. The smirk on the kitsune's face made Stiles look down to where he felt the uncomfortable piece of metal was inside of him, "This is for my wife." The kitsune pushed Stiles off his blade and let him fall to the floor before he ran towards Kira.

Everyone stopped attacking one another when they heard Derek yell out for Stiles. Kira watched Stiles fall to the ground before her eyes went towards the Kitsune running towards her with the same weapon in his hands.

Derek ran to his mate and kneeled at his side as he pulled him onto his lap, "You're going to be fine, I promise." He said as he looked at Stiles wound, inspecting the deep before placing his hand on the wound, trying to apply pressure to it. Stiles only let out a pained whimper as tears fell. Derek leaned down and kissed his mates head, he couldn't lose him. His blood was boiling, he wanted nothing more than make the kitsune pay for harming his mate but he couldn't bring himself to leave his fallen mate.


Kira hissed at the kitsune, he was her mother's right hand, her father. "You killed your mother! How could you do this to our family?!" Mr. Yukimura yelled as he swung the poisoned kunai knife towards his daughter trying to bring her down. "She killed thousands of people! Innocent people!" Kira defended before looking towards Stiles, "And you're no better than her."

Mr. Yukimura stopped for a moment as if taking in his daughters words but when his eyes landed on the Inugami Gyoubu he gritted his teeth. "You placed your enemy before your mother! I can't forgive that!" Mr. Yukimaru said before throwing the knife at his daughter, this time getting it right in her leg.

Kira let out a groan before pulling the blade out from her leg and backing up in time when her dad through a fist her way. "Then as much as it'll hurt me I have to put an end to you too, dad. I can't allow you to hurt my friends." She said before using her own claws to slash at her father's side. Mr. Yukimura hissed as he grabbed hold of his side before looking at his daughter, "I am sorry too."

While father and daughter engaged in a heated battle, the kitsunes froze in place as they watched both successors of their late leader fight for the right rule, a tradition that usually only happened when an outcast deemed the present ruler unworthy to rule and wanted the opportunity to rule. Which every Kitsune participated as an audience to the two.

Kira punched her father at his side where she had previously clawed at him, making him groan and fall down. She grabbed her knife about to stab him but the slight hesitation she had over the man she was most closest too gave him the opportunity to kick her before getting on top of her with a dagger at her throat, pushing into her flesh. Kira used all her strength to push him off but he was a bit stronger than her.

Just when the blade was cutting through her flesh, Kira used one of her tails to grab hold of her father and toss him off of her. She rushed to her feet before running towards her father as she grabbed her sword on the way towards him and plunging the weapon through his abdomen. Mr. Yukimura chocked out in pain. Her claws drew out and with an 'I'm sorry dad' she finished him off.

Kira got up from the floor before trying to make her way towards her friend, but after the first few steps towards Stiles and Derek, her mind began to cloud. "Stiles, hurry." Kira practically pleaded before trying to get up and make her way towards Stiles before the poison took full effect.

Derek looked at his mate, who was slowly turning cold, full of concern as he tried to keep him awake. "Stiles come on, you can't fall asleep on me." Derek pleaded as he buried his face in the crock of his neck. "Kira, I end your curse," Stiles whispered out as he held his hand out towards Kira.

Kira was only feet away from him but already she was going in and out of conscience but even so she reached out towards Stiles' hand and took hold of it. "I end your curse too, Stiles!" Kira let out in pain, making both of their bodies and their own kind's be enveloped in a bright light.


Scott, Isaac, and Lydia had been brought to the Beacon Hills Hospital by Mr. J and Hayley, were immediately taken in and attended to. Mr. J had spoken to them and said that he would call and alert their parents personally.

Mr. J could hear the both werewolves heartbeats almost stopping, and he knew that whatever the doctors did wasn't going to help their friends. But the sudden sound of their hearts beating faster and faster was made both Hayley and Mr. J look at one another oddly. "They did it!" Mr. J said as he stood up from his seat before wrapping his arms around Hayley who let out a squeal.


Stiles looked down at himself when the light disappeared. He was perfectly fine and the wounds on him, and everyone who had been injured were being healed. "Derek," Stiles said a bit freaked out before hugging him tightly. Derek returned the hug and let out a sigh in relief before kissing his mate's cheek.

Kira stood up as she looked at herself, she was ok and so where her friends. She turned to look at her dad, half expecting to find him alright, but he wasn't. She felt a sting in her chest from what she had done today but what mattered the most right now was, they did it.

They survived and ended their families' century old curse.

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