Chapter 21

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"Hey kiddo, what are you doing here?" The sheriff said as he shook his son lightly from his sleep. "I live here dad, case you didn't notice in the last, what, 18 years." Stiles yawned as he rubbed his eyes. "I know that son, but Scott said you would be staying with him at Derek's because it was safer." The sheriff said as he helped his son to sit. "I couldn't stay another day there." Stiles said before moving to hug his dad the best he could.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The sheriff said as he wrapped his arm around his son, placing a kiss to his head. "No really," Stiles said as a small sigh slipped passed through his lips. "You've gotten big," The sheriff said as he placed his hand on his son's growing belly.

"Well that makes me feel so much better," Stiles said as he began to sniffle, his dad just called him fat. "Stiles, you know what I mean. Is it normal?" His dad said trying not to roll his eyes at his son. Stiles huffed but said, "Ester said it's because Derek and I aren't exactly human so the baby would be bo-..." "Derek? As in 24 year old Derek Hale?" The sheriff said as his brows together. Stiles' eyes widen as his hands hurried to cover his mouth.

"So when you said you didn't want to talk about the baby's father you were just protecting Derek?" The sheriff asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "No! Dad it's not like that," Stiles said shaking his head. "Then what Stiles?" the sheriff asked before letting out a sigh when his son shifted a bit on the bed. "It happened so sudden, and then everyone kicked me out of the pack. I didn't know I was pregnant until I was a month or so along. And And I didn't tell you because I didn't know if Derek would want it or tell me it was my way of getting back into the pack, or I don't know! I thought I would be in this alone." Stiles said as he teared up.

"I'm sorry son, I didn't know just how much you had on your plate." The sheriff said as he pulled his son into a hug. "I didn't want to worry you," Stiles said as he snuggled into his dad and sighed in slight content. His dad new now, it felt good to get it off his chest, but now the only thing eating away at his conscious was Derek.


Derek paced his living room as the pack sat around in the living room, including Peter. "Come on Derek, there's only so many ways you can word this." Peter said as he crossed his arms against his chest. Derek growled at Peter as his eyes flashed red, warning the wolf to shut the hell up. Which Peter gladly returned with a smug look.

"Where's Stiles?" Scott asked with a frown before Isaac added, "And the demon pack is gone too."

"What did you do?" Lydia asked as she narrowed her brows at the alpha.

Kira, who was sitting beside Scott, frowned as she tried to sink back into the couch as she hid the bruise on her cheek.

"Kira, Stiles mentioned your mom. What did she tell him?" Derek said as he walked over to her and crouched before her as he removed her hand from her face.

Everyone looked towards her and frowned, the bruise on her left cheek wasn't something she could easily hide with her hand. "Kira, what happened out there?" Allison asked as she stood up from her seat on the couch.

Kira frowned and looked down, avoiding everyone's gazes, before taking in a breath, "It hurts to talk.." she murmured. Opening her mouth her, the bruise was swollen down to the corner of her lip. "You have to try. You're the only chance I have to understand why Stiles left like that." Derek said as he squeezed her hand lightly, as his veins darkened as he took some of her pain away.

Kira looked at him and gave a small nod in thanks before opening her mouth to speak, "She told Stiles that you had followed him day and night like his demons," She said but only got interrupted by Peter who laughed out, "Didn't know you were the creeping kind." Derek snarled at Peter to shut up.

Isaac stood up and stumbled over his blanket as he went towards Peter before pouncing him down and sitting on his back, "Shut up uncle Peter, Kira's talking."

When Derek's eyes landed back on Kira, she began to talk again. "She said that when they were attacked you saw them coming and didn't do anything to try and help his pack because you didn't care for them. Your only intention was to protect him because he carried your abo-... Child. You just sat back and watched it happen until it got dangerous for Stiles."

When Derek frowned Lydia hissed out angrily, "Is any of that true Derek?" Derek snarled at her, "Of course not! I don't deny that getting him save my first priority but I didn't sit back and watch it happen."

"Then what happened?!" Erica yelled before adding, "Because I can see why Stiles would be mad, he loved that little girl like he loves your kid."

"I was attacked alright," Derek said making everyone the accusing stares turn into concerned ones. "What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"Stiles was getting out of the store when I caught their scent, the moment I got out of my car two Kitsune attacked me out of nowhere. I couldn't get to him in time." Derek said as he balled his fists.

"It sounds like someone is trying to get rid of the extra help," Peter smirked as he pushed Isaac off of him and stood up as he dusted himself.

"I'm so glad I came back to Beacon Hills," Peter said before looking at Derek, "Nothing's ever boring here."

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