Chapter 25

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Derek was sitting in the hospital room with the sheriff days later. There was no sign of Stiles anywhere. Derek was growing tired of searching but not finding anything that could lead them to Stiles. They tried to track his phone but it had been abandoned in Stiles house, Stiles cards, airports but nothing. They even had Danny hack into files and search the demons, seeing if there were records of places they lived in before, but they couldn't find anything. It was like they didn't exist.

Derek had grown very impatient that he and his pack had trapped a Kitsune and forced it to talk, resorting to violent actions to get what he wanted, but it was proven fruitless. They didn't have the slightest clue of where Stiles was. It was like he had vanished from the face of the earth.

Scott kept his word, he watched over the sheriff but sometimes it was Derek who had stayed by the sheriff's side. The day they switched him rooms, Derek was there, and he was there when the sheriff woke up, and when the sheriff asked for Stiles.

It wasn't the easiest thing he had to do, but he had to explain to him why his son hadn't been here instead of him and Scott.

The sheriff was sitting up on the bed, with brand new gauze wrapped around his chest, he was supposed to be eating but he wasn't really touching the meal.

"Any luck finding my son?" The sheriff asked not even looking at Derek.

Derek looked up from the book he was reading, and shook his head, "We haven't found any traces of him. I have the pack looking for him but they can't pick up a scent."

The sheriff sighed before rubbing his face, "What about that Kitsune? Does he know anything about my son?" Derek knew Scott had told him about the Kitsune they had trapped a day or two after Stiles disappeared.

"Peter got him to talk, but they don't know anything either." Derek said before sighing as he closed the book, "I don't know if I should be relieved or mad."

The sheriff looked at Derek and frowned. The two hardly ever spoke but it was mostly that they were both dealing with Stiles disappearance on the same way, in silence and by themselves.

"When Stiles came home, he was upset. He didn't want to talk about what happened and I didn't want to push it. I let him tell me about the baby, seeing as it was the only thing that was keeping his spirits high." The sheriff smiled a bit before looking at Derek sit up, showing his interest on the topic. "I was a bit upset he had hid the fact that you where the baby's father, but he was just afraid. He was afraid you would think he had gotten pregnant on purpose to keep himself in the pack. I think he was afraid of what I would say as well."

Derek frowned at what the sheriff said before letting out an unsteady breath, "This is all just one big misunderstanding after another. I should have been more clear with him. I just assumed he was mad I had been following him without making myself known."

"It's alright son, we are talking about Stiles," the sheriff said with a smile as his hand rested on his chest before adding, "Stiles can't stay mad for long, he'll come around."

"I know," Derek said with a halfhearted smile as his eyes drifted to the door when he sensed Melissa and Scott coming towards them. "I just hope we can clear things out before our daughter is born."

"Daughter?" the sheriff repeated surprised, now this was news to him. A big smile spread on his lips, a genuine smile. He just assumed it would be boy, since the two were male but a girl. "Stiles didn't tell you? We found out while he was staying with me." Derek said seeing the sheriff brighten up at the news.

"He didn't say anything about it," the sheriff said before turning towards the door when he heard someone knock, only to see Melissa and Scott walk in.

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