Chapter 7

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Stiles had gotten used to the company, whether he liked to admit it or not. He didn't really feel lonely anymore, and the demons had kept his mind so preoccupied that he had almost forgotten about the pain he felt from being pushed away by his former friends. It was like they were trying to occupy the emptiness Stiles felt, and leave no room for him to feel like he was alone. Especially Suzy, which Stiles quickly learned she was 15, who acted younger than what she was.

But he still kind of missed his old friends. He missed Derek's broody self, he missed Scott's worrywart self, he missed baby Isaac; he even missed Erica's teasing. He missed everyone, and all the bad times and good times they shared. They had such a long history together and now they had wanted to remove him so desperately, like an offending stain on a white shirt.

Stiles was pulled from his thoughts by a voice, "Stiles, you in there?" Stiles didn't reply to them right away but the moment he felt himself being shaken he turned his head and said "Yeah?" He asked as he looked at Ester, the demon he had come to know the night he had meet Suzy and the others.

"I said, are you ok?" Ester said looking at Stiles with concern when Stiles seemed to oblivious to his sudden absence, or the fact that his eyes had turned yellow for that instance. Mr. J looked at the students looking back at Stiles with that judging gaze before quickly clearing his throat, "Alright, I'll end the lesson here. Why don't you all go ahead and go to lunch now." It was 30 minutes too early to send them to lunch but no one dared complained and quickly grabbed their things, all too happy to leave class.


Scott, Lydia, Allison and Kira all shared a glance before looking at Stiles who was being tended too by the new kid, Ester. They grabbed their things and walked out of the classroom, and once out Allison looked a bit in shock as she said, "Did you all notice Stiles eyes?"

Scott pursed his lips like he wanted to say something but just ended up letting out an unsteady breath, "Yeah, we should tell Derek." Lydia, rolled her eyes and looked at her friends, "No, first we need to see what Stiles was writing." "What do you mean, Lydia?" Scott asked a bit confused as he looked at the girls share a glance. "Come on, I know where we can go to find out," Allison said as she started to walk away from the classroom.

Kira looked at them before saying, "You guys go ahead, I'll go tell Derek." "Ok, then we'll call you to let you know what we find out," Allison said and the four parted ways. "How exactly are we even going to find out?" Lydia asked narrowing her eyes at her friend unsure how they were going to accomplish that when they were walking away from the classroom. "Remember when Gerard became the principal? He installed cameras all over the school, and were their still installed." Allison said as she walked they sneaked to the principal's office. "Scott keep a look out for anybody." Allison said as she and Lydia sneaked into the office. "Yeah, yeah, just hurry up." Scott said already feeling uneasy about this.


"I'm ok, really," Stiles said trying to put on a smile as he looked at the two demons that had become his friends. "Stiles, your eyes were yellow." Ester said looking at him with a frown as he rubbed his thumb against the back of Stile's hand. "I don't get it, is that a bad thing?" Stiles asked confused, since the demons at his side had yellow eyes.

"Yes!" Ester nearly cried before getting down to explaining, "There are three kinds of rankings for demons Stiles. The highest of all of them, like you, are called Nobles and depending on what demon you are, your eyes are different color from ours, to make you stand out. Then there is demon's like us, and we're often referred to as Knights, because we fight to protect our packs our eyes are yellow. Then there are demons like the one who possessed you called Lesser Demons, like omega wolves, they stray and are often alone but their more dubious and dangerous."

Mr. J looked at Stiles eyes fading back to normal before moving the two's joined hands off the desk when he noticed the wood shavings. 'This isn't real' and 'Save me' were carved into the wood of the desk. "Stiles, this is getting to dangerous, you can't keep rejecting it. Ester won't always be able to pull you back," Mr. J said sounding mortified before looking at Ester, "Take him to Deaton, and explain what happened maybe he can help. I'll gather everyone and head over as soon as we can." Ester nodded his head before helping Stiles up from his seat and taking him out of the classroom.

"I'm sorry Jay," Stiles said as to Mr. J as he passed him, he looked like he was about to cry. "Hey, don't cry, we'll help you through this," Mr. J assured offering a smile. Stiles returned the smile before looking at Ester and walking out of the classroom and out of the school.


Kira got to Derek's in a rush, that when she got to the door she ended up banging on the door instead of knocking, that when Derek finally opened the door he greeted her with a snarl. "What?" Derek said rather irritated as he let the girl into the house before saying, "Shut the door behind you."

Kira rushed into the house after slamming the door shut only to find him once more sitting on the couch in the spacious living room, "Derek its Stiles." At that Derek shot up from his seat and snarled, "What happened to Stiles?" Kira chewed on her bottom lip unsure how to explain what they saw, but luckily she was saved from the trouble by Allison.

Kira searched her pockets for her phone that when she found it she picked up the call and placed it on speaker, "Allison?" "Kira, are you with Derek?" Allison asked in a worried tone. "Yeah, she's with me," Derek answered trying to calm down. "Oh good, okay, well we found out what Stiles wrote on his desk," Allison started before Lydia cut in and said, "More like he scratched into it. What? It's true." Kira could only have imaged the look Allison must have given her. "Anyways, it said 'This isn't real' and 'Save me'." Allison finished before hearing Scott warning them about someone coming. They heard weird sounds like shifting before Scott's voice came on the phone, "One of the new kids is taking Stiles to Deaton, Stiles was loud enough to let that slip."

That was all he needed to hear before ending the call and grabbing his leather jacket and looking at Kira, "You're coming with me." Kira shoved her phone into her pocket before racing after Derek out of the house. "Derek, why do I get the impression you know what's wrong with Stiles?" Kira asked as she climbed into the car.

Derek started the car before taking off, only to reply with a question of his own, "What exactly happened to Stiles?"

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