Chapter 13

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After school came too soon, not that Stiles was complaining, he was ready for the weekend. Suzy ran around Stiles as they walked to Stiles beat up Jeep, "I can't wait! I can't wait!" she sang. Mr. J chuckled lightly before looking at Stiles, "Should we stop to get you something to eat?"

Stiles shook his head, "No, I'm ok right now I still have some snacks in my bag." Suzy stopped running before looking at Stiles and saying, "I want to get something for the baby." Stiles looked at Suzy and smiled he liked the idea of shopping for the baby. He knew they wouldn't be able to pick outfits yet but maybe toys would be a good place to start. "I'd love to start getting the baby things too," he said as he rubbed his belly.

"Stiles, give me your keys, I'll drive," Mr. J said as he held out his hand. "Why? I can still drive perfectly fine," Stiles said even though he was already fishing his keys from his pocket. "I know that, but you should relax from the task." Mr. J said as he took the keys before opening the door for them to get into Stiles' Jeep. Stiles rolled his eyes and climbed in and buckled up.

The ride to the outlet mall was filled with constant talking from Suzy and Stiles. They were talking about the baby and names. Occasionally, the two would ask Mr. J what he thought about the names or the ideas for the nursery.
"I don't know, I don't really like the name Adeline. It's pretty, but no offense, it sounds too close to 'Out of line'?" Mr. J said before pulling the Jeep into the parking lot of the mall.

"What about Jason for a boy?" Suzy asked with a smile as she started to undo her seat bet the second they parked.

"I don't want to name my baby after a mass murderer!" Stiles protested before saying in a much lower voice, "I thought about naming him after his dad if it's a boy, but I don't know."

"That'll be so sweet," Suzy squealed as she got down from the Jeep and said, "But it'll be difficult to hide who his daddy is if you do."

Stiles smiled as Mr. J helped him down from the jeep, "I do plan on telling him, but right now, I'm not ready to tell him."


Derek had been moping since the moment Stiles had asked the demon besides him about the duration of a demon pregnancy. It had only confirmed what Derek feared. Hearing Stiles say it, it was far worse than hearing it from Deaton. He wanted to leave, but he had to remind himself Stiles needed to be protected. Even if the baby wasn't his, he still wanted Stiles. It just hurt to know that.

He had followed Stiles and the two demons to the mall, and listened in on their conversation but it only seemed to anger Derek. The only thing he seemed to understand was, that demon sitting beside Stiles was the baby's father. His mind was already formulating ways to kill the bastard.

But they stopped when Stiles said that last statement, just as he parked his Camaro on the other side of the parking lot. 'He's not the father? Then who is?' Derek thought before remembering what he had asked. "Was he referring to himself when he said demon?" He mumbled to himself as he watched Stiles from across the parking lot.

'So is the father human?' He thought as he started to walk around the mall but always keeping a close eye on Stiles. No that couldn't be the only human he knew, that was male, and that Stiles hung out with was Danny. His eyes narrowed as he snarled out "Mother f-... I'm going to kill him."


Mr. J could understand Suzy, but for someone who was pregnant, Stiles sure was hard to keep up with. One minute Stiles and Suzy would be looking at shirts the next they were already walking out the door with new purchases in hand.

"Look it's the toy store!" Suzy giggled as she raced to it. Stiles, who was easily excited to start shopping for the baby, tried to run after her but it seemed like the baby wouldn't have it and it kicked Stiles. Stiles let out a whimper as he rubbed his belly, "I'm sorry, I'll walk." Mr. J looked over at Stiles a bit concern from hearing him whimper, "You shouldn't even be running in your state. You need to take it easy." Stiles huffed as he said, "I can't help it, I'm just so excited." They walked into the store and found Suzy pushing a cart as she filled it with toys she liked, claiming they were for the baby. Stiles couldn't help but chuckled as Suzy looked at a toy truck and a robot, trying to decide which to pick before dumping both into the cart.

"You know, I always secretly wanted to be like those crazy parents that went all out," Stiles said to Mr. J as they watched Suzy, "I just didn't picture me going through it alone." Mr. J frowned at that before saying, "You aren't alone Stiles."

"Yeah, I know, I have you, Suzy, the pack. I mean, I never thought I'd be friends with demons after what happened last year but now, I can't see myself without you guys in my life." Stiles said as he picked a toy from the cart Suzy was pushing around. Mr. J couldn't help but smile at that, they'd come so far together, it seemed so long ago when Stiles was wary of him.

"Stiles mommy look at this! Isn't it cute?" Suzy yelled as she ran towards stiles with a bunny plushie, "And look you can record your voice." Suzy said excited as she showed Stiles how it worked. "Hey baby, It's aunty Suzy, we love you." Suzy recorded her voice before playing it back to Stiles. "I actually want one for me," Stile said as he took the white bunny into his hands.

"I think maybe we should put some of these things back," Mr. J said as he rustled through the cart of toys, "I don't think the baby will be able to play with robots or trucks for at least a few years."

Suzy huffed at that before saying, "Fine I'll put them back, but we're taking the bunny."

When things were put pack in their place, Stiles bought the bunny Suzy chose along with a few other toys they walked out of the store only to be greeted by Ms. Yukimura.

"Hello Stiles," Ms. Yukimura said as four men came to stand beside her.

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