Chapter 22

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"Stiles!" Hayley yelled as she ran towards Stiles. Stiles looked back in time and let out a yelp as he closed his eyes trying to concentrate in disappearing before the arrow came in contact with his body.

When he didn't feel anything he opened his eyes and asked, "Did I do it?" He asked as a smile started to settle on his face looking back at where he was. "Barely," Alexander said with a small chuckle. "I think you need to work on your focus," Mr. J said as he ruffled Stiles hair. "Well that's going to take forever," Stiles huffed before sluggishly moving towards the bench off to the side. "Then you better get started," Amy grinned at the demon leader.

"That's not true, Stiles, you did it once when Jay came back. You can do it again, just focus on the person or the place you want to go to." Hayley said with a smile as she went to join him on the bench. Stiles offered her a smile with whispered, "Thanks."

Almost every day, since they left Derek's, they'd come to a secluded part of the park to train Stiles. Although he seemed to master everything easily but the only problem he was having was the teleporting since it had to do with focusing, one thing Stiles couldn't do right. They knew it was hard for him, especially now that the baby had started to move around crazily within Stiles' belly. Even more so when Stiles had those sudden melt downs about going back to Derek.

They hadn't seen the wolves for two weeks, nearing three, and they weren't at school either. Stiles kind of wanted to go make sure they were ok but then again, he couldn't. No, he wouldn't, Derek's pack was loyal to the alpha. He hated to think a part of him needed Derek, needed a cold blooded killer like him.

"Stiles, are you listening?" Hayley asked as he waved Stiles phone in front of him. "You're dad's been calling for the last five minutes."

"Oh! Right, thanks!" Stiles said as he picked up the phone and greeted his dad, "Hi dad, what's up?"

"Hey kiddo, you might want to come down here." The sheriff said.

"What's going on dad?" Stiles asked as he looked at the demons that were with him.

"Well remember the investigation I was called in for a few weeks back?" The sheriff asked before saying, "Well we just found another body, but this one has very distinct features."

"We'll be right there," Stiles said as he hung up before looking at Mr. J and the rest of the pack, "You all heard that right?" He asked.

"Then let's go, we can practice some other time." Stiles said as he looked towards Mr. J, who was holding out his hand for Stiles. "I want to try on my own," Stiles said trying to concentrate on his dad.


When the call ended the sheriff put the phone back down and sighed before glaring at the man sitting in front of him.

"Alright I called him, now can you let them go?" the sheriff said as he motioned towards his protectors.

Jeo and Lia were tied up together with their mouths covered and a black power poured in a perfect circle around the two protecting demons. They couldn't get out and just hissed at the man smirking at them.

"I heard a lot about you, I thought you were going to be a lot stronger than this, but I suppose it was a bit of an unfair fight." The man grinned wider before going to sit down on the chair facing the Sheriff.

"I'm sorry we had to officially meet like this sheriff, but you know, can't ignore orders." The man said with an amused chuckle. He truly was enjoying this one, especially the face he would enjoy watching when the sheriff's son walked through that door.


"How nice of them to gather them all in one place," Ms. Yukimura said to herself before the Kitsune behind her smirked to one another. "We'll kill them?" One asked unsure this was enough of an order to kill them.

"Yes, but don't touch Stiles, I have something else in mind for him," The woman said as she played with the bladed coated in demon blood.

"What about the alpha?" Another Kitsune asked with curiosity. They all knew the alpha and the demon had mated, they could smell the fresh scent of the bond. And a mate protects it's mate viciously. Especially, newly mates.

"Oh, don't worry about Derek, he will not show to save them this time," She smirked as she began to walk away before adding, "Our little alpha will be too sick to come."

The Kitsune smirked before disappearing from their leader's sight and hiding away until their targets had arrived. 

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