Chapter 3

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Stiles looked at himself in the mirror as he finished slipping his hoodie on his body before letting a sigh escape as he reached for his bag and saw the papers containing the research he had run on his new mysterious new neighbor. "That's right, I'm no longer pack," he said as he smiled sadly at the paper "So I don't need this anymore," before crumbling it up and trashing it before gripping his bag and walking to the door and out it, unaware of the figure lurking in the corner of his room watching him, before disappearing from sight.

"Dad?" Stiles called out as he walked down to the living room, but he heard no reply. "He must have left already" he said as he walked into the dining area and found a half-eaten toast resting on a plate, he smiled before walking over to the table and picking up the toast. He walked out the door with the toast in his mouth as he locked the door before heading to his beat up Jeep.
"At least I still have you baby," Stiles said as he caressed the hood of his Jeep before throwing his bag into the back seat and jumping into the driver's seat and buckling up. The drive was silent and peaceful, something he hadn't had since Scott was bitten by Peter, heck what who was he kidding, since a long time. This was a good thing, Stiles decided.

He drove into the school's parking lot and parked his Jeep in the first available space he had found before climbing out. He was getting his bag when he suddenly heard "Hello Stiles." He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden greeting before turning to look at the man. It was the mysterious demon. "Uh...Hi?" Stiles said looking around wondering if anyone one was looking his way, he felt very uncomfortable being alone with the man, but unfortunately his mind only reminded him he had no one but himself now.

The smirk appeared on the demon's face once more before saying, "I'm not here to hurt you Stiles, I thought that was pretty much established when I let you go the other day." Stiles glared at the demon before sighing, "Ok, then what do you want? If you want me to pass a threat to the werewolves, than do it yourself I got no time for this I have to get to school." He said as he finished grabbing his bag and pulled it over his shoulder before closing the door to his Jeep. "Actually, it has nothing to do with your former friends." The demon said not missing Stiles tense at the mention of 'former friends'. Stiles brought his hand over the back of his neck and rubbed it lightly as he said, "You know following a kid to school only makes you even more suspicious. You know that right?" Stiles said rolling his eyes trying to act normal.

"Who say's I'm following you?" The demon said, finally making Stiles look him over and notice the briefcase he was holding and a teachers book of Physics, 12th grade level. Stiles eyes widen and said, "No freaking way!" The demon smirked wider, "Now, shall we get going before you make me late for my first class?" The demon said before beginning to walk towards the school. "All year, without a freaking teacher and now they decide to hire a teacher? What's the point? School is over in 3 months and half of that time is senior field trips," Stiles hollered out at the demon he decided to follow, ignoring the stares darting his way.

Stiles went to class after losing the sight of the demon in the crowd of teens and huffed, his curiosity on the demon was only growing.
The first few periods were ok, nothing happened. Stiles sat in the back while, Lydia, Allison, Scott and Isaac, and Kira sat all near each other. All of them perfectly ignoring him and avoiding looking his way, but he didn't mind.

As soon as he walked into Physics, he glared at the demon, and eyed the werewolves wondering if their wolfy noses would catch the very distinguishing scent of their new professor. But to Stiles surprise they didn't get into a staring contest or a growling fit. No, they just walked straight past him and sat their stupid asses down. He narrowed his eyes at the professor as if it would help him figure it out any further. "I'm sorry it took so long for your principals to finally find a teacher suitable for 12th grade Physics. However, I have been made aware of the even shorter time we will be having together due to Senior trips and I right?" The demon professor spoke which was only responded with excitement roars from the class. Stiles rolled his eyes and looked out the window, trying to block out the noise. The man smirked slightly, he could feel the annoyance laced with worry wave off Stiles in a sickening way.

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