Chapter 14

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Mr. J and Suzy started to hiss in warning at the Kitsune, which brought a few strange looks directed their way, and one of those belonged to Stiles. "What's gotten into you two?" Stiles said but as he turned a kunai knife was thrown towards him.

He let out a scream of terror at the sudden attack, but when he didn't feel any pain he saw Suzy had moved to stand in front of him. The knife was buried into her chest. "Suzy!" Stiles yelled as his eyes went wide, he tried to go to her but Mr. J pushed him further back as he looked at Stiles through yellow eyes, "Stiles Run!"

Stiles, didn't run, he couldn't, but every civilian who had witnessed the fight start ran for their lives. All trying to get somewhere safe.

"Don't worry about me Stiles, I'm ok," Suzy said as she pulled the knife from her chest, hissing in pain as she threw it back at the Kitsune but they dodged it.

The four men that had been standing beside Ms. Yukimura ran towards them. Mr. J and Suzy tried to hold them off but they were losing and he couldn't help but think it was his fault. He watched in horror as his friends attempts to fight back were in vain. He wanted to run and help them but the moment he tried anything, Mr. J pushed him behind him once more.

Suzy drew out her claws as she slashed one of them across the chest, but only served to make it angry. It's electric energy began to wave angrily out of his hands, as their eyes turned orange. "Shouldn't have done that girly." The Kitsune smirked through his pain before aiming his energy towards her and trying to electrocute her. With a 'eep' Suzy jumped out of the way but only ended up much closer to one of the other Kitsune. The Kitsune smirked and with his knife's tip facing her, he smacked her across the face cutting from the apple of her cheek to the corner of her lips.

An agonizing scream left her injured mouth as she held a shaking hand up, despertly trying to hold the two separate pieces of flesh together, but blood only seemed to cover her mouth. The Kitsune took advantage of her fallen stake and quickly mounted her, trying to finish her off.

Stiles eyes were filled with tears as he let out his own pained cry, "SUZY!!!" He ran to her but only ended up get grabbed by the waist and pulled back by a pair of arms. The sound of an arrow being shot ringed in Stiles ears but he wasn't in his right mind to face it, his eyes were locked on a helpless Suzy trying to claw at her attackers face as she wiggled around trying to get free.

The person only swung Stiles out of the arrows way just in time, "NO! NO! LET ME GO!" He cried as he tried to escape the hold, he need to help her, he needed to save her.

"Get him out of here!" Mr. J's voice screamed as a sword was pierced through his mid-section. He turned around and punched the Kitsune in the face, he too was trying to hold up but was slowly losing the battle.

Stiles moved around in the hold before looking up to see Derek, "Derek..." He said through tears before looking towards Mr. J. No, he couldn't take him, he had to help. "JAY!" Stiles yelled as he watched the man that had done so much to help him be knocked off his feet as the Kitsune's pounced him, trying to hold him down.

Blood, there was so much blood on one Kitsune.

"Get him away from here!! Don't worry about me!! JUST GO!!!" Mr. J yelled before letting out a pained groan as his head was harshly shoved into the concrete.

"You won't get away!" Ms. Yukimura yelled as she pulled out the poisoned kunai knifes from her robes and threw them at Stiles .

It never reached them, Derek had picked Stiles up and ran as fast as he could out of the way. He held Stiles close as he raced to his car and got him inside in such a hurry that he was driving before either of them could buckle up, or Stiles even had the chance to run out.

"GO BACK! DEREK WE HAVE TO GO BACK! WE HAVE TO SAVE THEM!" Stiles cried out desperately, his heart was pounding painfully in his chest. "I won't Stiles, not until I get you somewhere safe!" Derek snarled as he speed through the road.

Stiles brought his hands over his face as he bite down on his bottom lip to stop the whimpering, but it was no use, he only cried louder. He could feel it in his heart, he had lost them.

Minutes into the drive Derek's eyes widen. Stiles scent, it was present besides him, filling his nostrils in its intoxicating scent. It was the wrong time, but Derek's heart was racing with joy.

The baby, it was his. He could smell it now, his scent was lacing perfectly with Stiles to create their baby's own distinct smell.

His eyes were going red, as his need to protect his 'mate' and child became that much stronger.

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