Chapter 6

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When Derek got to Deaton's, the place looked completely abandoned. "Deaton?" Derek called out as he stopped at the front desk before seeing Deaton come out from the back and hold the small door open for the two teens following behind him to step out.

One of them looked native to Derek. He was about Derek's height if not an inch shorter, his hair was a dark brown that reached just below his shoulders, and his manner of dress was no different to Stiles', plane black t-shirt under a red plaid shirt over and jeans. The other teen was a bit different he appeared to be American, light brown hair and green eyes, he was dressed preppy a bit to preppy for someone who lived in Beacon Hills.

"Derek, come on back," Deaton said with a smile as he held the door open for the alpha. Derek looked at the two. He couldn't shake the feeling of threat.

The preppy teen, looked at Derek as he passed him and smirked as his eyes flashed yellow, making the alpha go wide eyed as he retracted his claws about to attack them as his fangs appeared. "Derek, may we talk now." Deaton said in a tone that was not asking but ordering the alpha to calm down. Which, with much reluctance Derek obeyed before turning to Deaton and angrily walking past him towards the back.

"Those were demons," Derek said stating the obvious.

"I am aware of that Derek, that's why I called you. They're not the only ones gathering in Beacon Hills." Deaton said as he looked at Derek with an unsure gaze as he watched the alpha rounded the operation table. "What are you talking about?" Derek asked as his brows furrowed.

Deaton let out a sigh before pulling out a book from the drawer behind him before placing it on the table. "The demons you just saw leave my clinic are a very rare specie, they're nearly extinct." Deaton said as he opened the book to a certain page and showed it to Derek before adding, "Their called Tanuki, there was a whole colony of them in Edo Japan. They were said to have been preserved in the palace of Inugami Gyoubu, but to my understanding most of the Tanuki that rested in the palace have been wiped out."

Derek looked at the picture as he listened to Deaton speak as he skimmed through the book before flipping through the pages as he said, "And what does this have to do with me?"

Deaton eyed Derek before closing the book the alpha had insisted on skimming, "Derek, this is no joke," he said before saying, "The remaining Tanuki demons are gathering here, because their leader Inugami Gyoubu has been awaken." Derek glared at Deaton but even if he glared, he couldn't hide his confusion or lack of concern for dying species.

Deaton seemed to get the hint before saying, "It's Stiles," He said getting a reaction out of Derek that time. "What about Stiles?" Derek said a bit reluctant, he needed to know but he wasn't sure he'd like it. "Stiles is the Inugami Gyoubu."

Derek shook his head as he let out a steady breath, "There's no way, that's impossible." "It's not, really. I looked into Stiles past and found something very interesting in his family tree." Deaton said as he moved to pull out something from another drawer. It was a paper, with names branching out below stiles names, and one particular name stuck out. "Ryuu Shinugami, was Stiles great great great grandfather on his mother's side. He was a demon but not just any demon..." "The Inugami Gyoubu?" Derek interrupted as he looked up at Deaton. "That's right, the second in history, and since first Inugami Gyoubu was male, it was said only a male in his descendants would become leader to the Tanuki demons but when the man was born, the Tanuki were resurrected but since their leader was too young to rule many of the Tanuki demons were killed off. The few that remained hide and waited until their leader was old enough to rule them. However, what happened between the time Ryuu was an infant until he was living here, isn't something I could find. Though as you can see here, he married a human, and had nothing but daughters who had daughters, until Stiles mom." Deaton said as he tapped at Stiles' mom's place on the branch.

Derek frowned at that for some reason before staring at her name as he said, "Did she know, about what Stiles would be?" Deaton looked at Derek before nodding his head, "I believe Claudia did have an idea. Which is why I don't believe her death was due to her illness." Derek looked at Deaton with a questioning gaze.

"Claudia Stilinski had hallucinations of a monster trying to take her ever since she got pregnant with Stiles. The sheriff at the time thought it was just her illness or the pregnancy but I have every right to believe that the demon that possessed Stiles last year murdered her." He said before looking at Derek who was about to interrupt him but didn't give him the chance too as he continued, "Stiles was protected by his demon which had laid dormant and undetectable to all of us. In order for a demon to possess another demon, they needed them vulnerable. Which I believe was the reason the demon killed Claudia since she was the one Stiles clinged to the most, but it didn't work then. Until Darach came and we performed the ritual to find Stiles father, we gave it the perfect opportunity to attempt to take over Stiles because in doing that ritual, we had separated the demon protecting Stiles from him. During that time, Stiles' demon was feeding off the demon to fully awaken itself. I think this was one of the reasons Chris Argent wanted to kill Stiles."

"You knew then? You knew that Stiles would have lost the battle to that demon or his own?!" Derek snarled as he looked at Deaton through blood red eyes. "No I hoped Stiles would have been strong enough to come back to us, just like you all hoped." "Why are you telling me this now? Do I have to kill Stiles?!" Derek asked enraged for the most part, but a part of him was cringing at the possibility this would the only option he had.

"It's a possibility," Came the voice of Chris Argent. Derek turned around and saw the hunter resting against the entrance of the back room. "Argent," Derek said in a reluctant greeting. "Good to see you too, Derek." Chris said with a sly smile before walking further into the room as he said, "Like I said, It's a possibility, but that all depends on what side Stiles decides to be on."

Derek snarled at the threat on Stiles before looking at Deaton, "You said something about the Tanuki not being the only ones coming to Beacon Hills." Deaton looked at Derek after eyeing the hunter and giving a nod, "Yes, It looks like the Yukimura Kitsune Clan has followed the Tanuki here. They are determined to put an end to Stiles' Pack and anyone who gets in their way." He said as he turned his head to Chris Argent. Chris smirked at the vet and said, "Don't worry, I'll be careful."

"Even Stiles?" Derek questioned ignoring the hunter. "Especially Stiles," Deaton said rolling his eyes at Chris. "Stiles hasn't done anything, why are they threatening him?" Derek said as he furrowed his brows, this didn't sit well with him. He couldn't allow someone to kill Stiles without a purpose, even if they had enough of a reason he'd have to stop it in some way.

"I can answer that for you," Chris said as he moved the book, that Derek and Deaton had been looking at, away. Derek and Deaton looked at Chris waiting for him to continue. "Ever since your little pack decided to exile Stiles, he's been unstable. Stiles is rejecting the demon side of him, and the longer he continues doing it the more his demon will become like the one that possessed him. If that happens we'll have to kill him. However, if there's a remote chance he accepts it and becomes one with the demon again, well let's say you won't like it."

Derek frowned, he already didn't like it. Stiles is a ticking time bomb and there is nothing he could do to stop it or save him? Stiles was either going to die by the hands of the Argents or the Kitsune Clan, and he was just supposed to sit back and watch it all play before him?

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