Chapter 2

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The following three months would seem like an eternity to him, he could only wish time could go by quickly so he could leave this shit hole and be in peace with the little baby he was having. His mind trailed off, the baby. He couldn't kill it, he didn't believe in it, nor could he put it up for adoption, hell he'd be lying if he said he wouldn't consider it if the baby's daddy was human.

That night he laid in bed, staring absentminded at the dull blue wall staring back at him as his hand rested over his belly.


Stiles didn't know when did Derek completely strip them from their clothes, nor did his mind catch when he was laid down on the uncomfortable wood's floor. His mind was dazed as were his eyes as he clinged onto the broad shoulders. He could feel Derek's fingers travel every inch of his body, caressing him with much affection, as they did all the kissing that Derek's lips had stopped doing, but he didn't mind, he was far too gone in his own bliss.

His eager hands traveled down Derek's back and circled to his front were his hand wrapped around his member and gave it a stroke, getting a steady rhythm going. Hearing Derek let out a shameful moan made him pleased he was able to erupt such a noise from the alphas lips.

"Stiles.." the alpha grunted as he pulled the teens hands from his harden member and over to his lips were he pressed a tender kiss to them before moving his hands over his head and holding them there as he pushed his legs apart with his knee, which Stiles was more than happy to oblige to. "Derek, p-please. ." Stiles begged. It was enough permission for Derek before thrusting his hips forward letting the tip of his cock push past the first few rings of muscles that were quickly tightening at the intrusion on its person. "Ahhh~" Stiles moaned in pain as he tried to pull away but Derek wouldn't have that "Relax, it'll feel better if you relax" he assured as he kissed at Stiles pale chest. With a small nod Stiles tried to relax though he couldn't help but flinch away a bit with every inch forcing his walls apart, until he felt Derek be fully buried into him.

Derek was being mindful of his body, he could tell with how gentle he was being even though the only forms of words were the grunts and moans leaving his lips as he thrusted into him. Stiles threw his head back as he bucked into Derek, crying out his names as his nails digged into his own palms, a thin layer of sweat already forming over their bodies. Derek sped up as he kissed up Stiles chest and up to his neck as one of his hands came down to jerked stiles off, while the other still held Stiles hands over his head. It wasn't long before stiles steady moans grew louder and louder, due to the sudden swelling of Derek's cock. As he tried to pull away, Derek grabbed hold of his waist and held him in place as the knot swelled in Stiles, securing the two together. "D-Derek..! I-it hurts!" He cried out as he shut his eyes tight, toes curling as his legs tried to close, pressing tightly around Derek's waist as he shuddered in pain.

He heard Derek let out a gasped moan before he felt it, Derek's release spill into him as he gave slow steady thrusts. Stiles moaned as he arched his back before feeling himself being picked up and straddle the alpha's lap as he rested against his chest. Stiles eyes suddenly felt heavy, and the throbbing of his head wasn't helping him stay anymore awake. "Sleep," was the only command he received and his body was so keen on obeying it. Though when he had woken up later that night, his body was sore and he had the talk with Derek.
"Stiles, what happened last night, it means nothing. It was a mistake, I was in heat." Derek said, though for some reason he felt like that statement couldn't be further from the truth. He was not in heat but his actions; he couldn't come to any other explanation other than it had come early. He could still smell the faint smell of heat lingering to Stiles naked body. Derek could feel the growl vibrate in his chest, he could feel his wolf wanting to risen once more and pounce the teen but he shook it off when Stile moved.

A small smile appeared on Stiles face as he looked at the alpha, "I see, hey don't worry about it, I'm sure it was most inconvenient for you to have found me instead of a hot girl. Let's just forget it even happened, I mean it's no big deal, neither of us meant for it to lead to this. At least you're back to yourself." He said as he avoided the alpha's eyes as he pretended to search for his clothes which were so conveniently sitting on the dresser besides him.
"Stiles, Shut up." Derek said feeling annoyed with the rambling of the teen and the obvious pain in his voice.
"Ok," Stiles said as he pulled the sheets over his head to create a somewhat of a curtain so he could get dressed without Derek looking at his naked body. He grabbed his clothes and quickly changed as he pulled his boxers on, followed by his pants.

"About the demon you saw or what not, don't bother to do research on it." Derek said, finally making Stiles push the sheets away from him and look at the alpha with a confused gaze. "What why?" Stiles said as he stumbled to his feet, readying to protest but was only silenced.
"Look Stiles, we appreciate everything you've done to help the pack with the Kanima and even the Demons, but the truth is, there is no room for you here Stiles. So, stop coming around here because as of today you are no longer apart of this pack." Derek said as he looked at all the mixed emotions flood the Stiles eyes.

"No, Derek, you can't just kick me out! I-" Stiles began to say but was cut off by Derek. "You what, Stiles?" Derek began before continuing, "You can't do anything without help and honestly, we don't have time to keep babysitting you Stiles. We ALL agreed to this Stile, it wasn't just my decision. Everyone in this pack plays an important role, but you, Stiles. There is just no room for you here."

Stiles could feel his heart cringe in pain. They all had agreed to kick him out? Was that why they were suddenly distancing themselves from him? Was that why he felt like their friendship no longer matter? Because, in reality it really did stop mattering to Scott, to all of them.

"Just leave Stiles, and don't even try coming around here either, or we'll see you as an intruder." Derek warned as his face hardened and harbored no feelings towards Stiles who was clearly breaking in front of Derek.

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