Chapter 4

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That afternoon when school ended everyone headed to Derek's house for training. The alpha hadn't wanted them to get to use to the peace, because he assured them things in this town never stayed peaceful for long. Isaac and Erica were fully indulged in a hand on hand combat. Isaac hadn't thought it was fair since Erica was a girl, but Erica had used her taunting words to make Isaac mad and attack her.

Erica wasn't strong but she was quick, and even though Isaac was just as quick she had the upper hand, knowing very well the runt of the pack was weak to woman just like the second in command, Scott. Erica dodged Isaac's claws that came towards her throat and did a quick spin, knocking Isaac off his feet but as she was about to flip to get him by the throat. Isaac, gripped her long golden locks and shoved her back into the ground, making her face plant harshly into the dirt as he twisted his body to get back up on his feet, all while holding her to the ground. His hand was already raised and ready to sink into her flesh, but one look at her pleading eyes, Isaac let his guard down. Erica smirked and punched him hard on the chest, knocking the air out of his lungs, making her the victor.

"Just because she's a woman, doesn't mean you can let your guard down!" Derek growled as he pulled his beta up to his feet and shoved him towards Erica as he growled out, "Again!"
Kira who was practicing throwing her kunai knifes into a target as Allison practiced with her bow and arrow just a bit far off to her side. The thing in school was still bothering her, even though they had promised that Stiles was a done deal, she couldn't believe they really wanted to push the other out. Kira had only meet them last year but she had seen how everyone wanted to protect Stiles, she just couldn't grasp it had just changed in one summer. Kira hear Derek yell at Boyd and Scott for not focusing hard enough before deciding she couldn't bite her tongue longer about it. "Derek, can I talk to you in private?" Kira asked as she went over to the three werewolves.

Derek looked at the kitsune and gave a small nod before looking at Allison, he had really no complains for her. To Derek, she was probably the one of the two; he'd consider her worthy to stand on her own in battle, besides Scott, if he really focused.

Once inside, he led Kira down to the basement where he could grab more equipment for training. "What is it?" Derek said as he grabbed a weight vest for Isaac and Erica. "I know, you probably don't want to speak about him, especially with me of all people, but today. I don't know, I thought it was weird, the new teacher has taken an interest in Stiles." Kira said trying to explain the best she could as she thought back at the way the teacher was looking at Stiles. "Stiles having an affair with a teacher isn't a problem of ours," Derek said, even though his grip on the vest in his hand tightened, and his brows furrowed. "I know, but, the teacher asked Stiles to stay back after class. Allison and I were outside getting books for our next class when, we saw Stiles leaving the classroom crying. Allison said she didn't see it, but Derek, Stiles eyes were yellow." Kira said as she looked at the alpha.

Now, that made Derek, feel a bit concern, "Are you sure?" He asked. "I know what I saw; they were yellow, just like the demons after him." Kira said with a frown before taking a step towards the alpha, "Do you think he's being possessed again?" "I don't know, but keep an eye on him, for anything like before. I rather this stay between us, alright? I don't need everyone losing concentration because of something that probably isn't a sure thing. After all it's just Stiles." Derek said as he headed up the stairs once more.


The next few days, Stiles claimed not to be feeling good and stayed at home but as soon as his dad left, he left the house. He felt sick, being home; everything made him sad and want to burst into tears.

One of the days, on his day off he went to the park and sat on a bench under a large tree as he watched the few kids play on the jungle gym. "Stiles?" he heard and turned to look at the soft voice that belonged to Mrs. McCall. "Honey, shouldn't you be at school?" she asked as she looked around before looking at him once more, "Why are you at the park?" she asked.

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