Chapter 10

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Derek had dropped Kira off at school and left her with strict instructions to gather the pack in his house, before taking off without saying another word.

Stiles couldn't be pregnant, he refused to believe it.

He drove into Deaton's clinic and left his car in the middle of the parking lot, at the moment he didn't care, he just wanted to know. He needed to know. He rushed back into the clinic unable to hold his snarl in as he called out, "Deaton!"

Deaton came out from the back room and looked at the angry alpha who was seconds from transforming in the middle of his clinic. "Did you forget something Derek?" Deaton asked as he eyed the alpha. "Is Stiles pregnant?" Derek growled out. The look on Deaton's face as he sighed and lowered his gaze was confirmation enough. Derek felt his heart cringe, what was that sickening sinking feeling?

"I'm sorry Derek, that's patient confidentiality." Deaton said, earning a growl from Derek. "Is Stiles pregnant or not?!" Derek said using his alpha voice. Deaton could almost hear how angrily Derek was clenching his jaw. "Yes, Stiles is pregnant." Deaton finally said. Derek let out a snarl for some reason he was starting to get the need to kill something, who the hell had dared to touch him?


"Who touched you?" Derek asked as he backed Stiles to a tree, leaving him trapped between himself and the tree. Derek didn't know why he was doing this, he couldn't control himself, ever since the fall breeze brought him Stiles scent mixed with fear, he had left the comforts of his newly rebuilt home and followed it without a second thought. He knew it was the moons fault, making him be overly concerned with someone whom was in his pack, although he was his least favorite.

Stiles let his body relax into the awkward place he suddenly found himself. "Some demon, I don't know who he is exactly but I'm working on finding out." Stiles had assured him.


Derek had suddenly remembered that night, Stiles had mentioned a demon when he had asked, but he couldn't remember anything else that had left Stiles mouth. Stiles scent had driven him into his heat, and he had also touched Stiles that night. So, he could be the father?

"Did Stiles tell you who the father was?" Derek asked a bit calmer as he looked at the vet. "He did," Deaton said eyeing Derek as he took a step closer. "Am I the father?" Derek asked as he eyed Deaton, silently begging the vet to tell him. "I promised Stiles I wouldn't reveal who it was," Deaton said but making sure he said it in a tone that didn't shoot down Derek's question.

"If I am, I have the right to know!" Derek snarled as he balled his fists, his rage slowly starting to surface once again. The animals in the clinic must have felt the rage in the alpha because they started to cause an uproar. "If you were the father don't you think Stiles would have already told you?" Deaton said just wanting Derek to leave his clinic before the animals got to out of control, and that seemed to have worked.

Derek was reduced to silent shock, he wanted to say something but decided against it and just left. He couldn't believe it, Stiles was carrying a demon's spawn. He had heard it all, but he couldn't believe it. A part of him refused to believe that was the truth, while the other part wanted to kill the demon Stiles had mentioned that night. It bothered him a little too much to even think someone else had laid their hands on Stiles.

For a split second, he had allowed himself to think it was his, but Deaton had shot that idea down and that hurt him like he never thought possible. It felt like he was losing his family all over again, and he didn't know what to do.

He needed Stiles.


"Are we supposed to wait here all day?" Scott asked as he laid on the floor, just under the small coffee table.

"He has a point, I have things to do," Lydia said as she twirled her hair between her fingers. She had been sitting in the single sofa chair looking uninterested at her hair.

"I'm sure we all have things to do, but Derek was very specific, he called on an emergency pack meeting today." Kira said as she leaned back against the couch.

"If it's so important then why don't you tell us? I mean you did spend the day with the alpha," Erica said as she fixed herself between Boyd's legs. The two had occupied the spot on the floor by Scott's feet. Boyd had his back to the foot of couch for support, with one hand wrapped around Erica's front.

"Yeah, I mean we all know it's about Stiles. What difference does it make if you tell us instead of Derek?" Allison asked as she sat on the couch besides Kira.

"Wait someone wanna fill me in? I didn't go to school today," Isaac pouted feeling a little left out, as he wrapped himself in the blanket he had with him.

"Stiles was getting possessed by his demon," Came Derek's voice as he stepped into the living room, making everyone's eyes focus on him. However, Isaac had done more then look towards the alpha's direction, he had scurried to his side with his blanket and hugged the alpha's side, greeting him like a child did with their father. Which Derek acknowledged it with a pat to Isaac's head.

"I thought we had gotten rid of the demon," Boyd said voicing everyone's confusion. "Yeah I mean, it wasn't easy but I thought we had already won that fight." Erica said as she caressed at Boyd's hand that was now resting on her leg.

"We did," Derek said as he focused his eyes on Boyd before pulling up a chair to sit on, when Isaac had let him go. "What's happening to Stiles isn't easy to explain," Derek said before looking at his pack who had all shown their concern for their former pack member. "Deaton said that the demon which possessed Stiles, had wanted to possess him since way before he was born which resulted in his moms death." Derek began to as he shared everything he knew with his pack, just leaving one thing out, that he had slept with Stiles.

Scott was the first to speak up; just like Derek had expected the moment he had started talking about Stiles. "We can't let that happen! Derek we have to help him, I don't care if he's pregnant with a demons kid. He's still our friend, we can't let him die." Scott pleaded to Derek before adding, "We agreed to push Stiles away to stop him from getting hurt from things that were after us. But that's irrelevant now, Stiles needs us."

"I know you want to help Stiles, we all do," Derek said as he looked at Scott before looking at Kira, "But if what Chris said about the Kitsunes is true, than they won't care that Kira is one of them. You have to think about them too. You're asking two of our pack members to go against their family."

Kira couldn't help but frown as she looked down at her lap, "I want to help Stiles, really, I do Scott, but from the little I've picked up from my mom. The Kitsune Clan is very well trained; we'll be facing something a lot stronger then the demon last year."

Erica shared a glance with Boyd before saying, "I'm sorry, but my batman needs us. Like Scott said, he's our friend, when we were in trouble Stiles always pulled through for us. We could try and do the same for him." Boyd gave a nod in agreement before saying, "Since when have we ever turned away from a little challenge?"

Lydia smiled before looking at Derek, "I'd really love to quit my job as the researcher too." Which was Lydia talk for, 'I'm all in for getting Stiles back.'

"So are we getting our Stiles back?" Isaac said with a bright smile as he eyed Derek.

Although before Derek could give the final answer Allison cut him off and said, "I'd love nothing more than to get Stiles back, but let's be realistic. We haven't exactly been the best of friends to Stiles. I don't think he will forgive us that easily, not to mention the new kids, which I assume they're the demons you mentioned, cling to Stiles side and never leave him alone. How are we to ask for his forgiveness when we will hardly be able to get close to him? And the minute we do we'll have my family and Kira's on our asses 24/7. I don't know about you guys, but we wouldn't exactly have a safe place to hide at night when my dad knows where Derek lives."

"Allison's right, we all know Stiles very well, he's not just going to trust us like he used too. We need to start small, and work our up. As for the Kitsune, Kira can try and find out what she can and you Allison, you can as well." Derek said before getting up from his seat, "Now leave, you all have school tomorrow."

"So was that a yes?" Isaac asked as he looked over at the smartest of the bunch.

Lydia smiles and said, "I think that the closest to a yes we'll ever get."

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