Chapter 16

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"Stiles, please, accept it. If not for us, then do it for your baby." Stiles heard as his own eyes started to close; he could feel himself fading just like the little girl.

"Accept it?" Stiles said weakly as he finally found his will power to grab hold of the little girl before she left him.

"I don't know what it is, but I ACCEPT IT! Just don't take her!" He yelled as he pulled the little girl close to his chest. Her little hand gripped onto his shirt and whispered something to Stiles but he couldn't hear it, it was too low.


It might have appeared to be minutes for Stiles, but for everyone else gathered in the room, they had been waiting for hours.

Stiles had been shaking for hours, screaming in Derek's hold as he clawed at Derek. No one knew what was happening, until Lydia got there. A shriek of terror had escaped her mouth as tears fell as she yelled, "please, not him!" Isaac had to hold her up. No one had to guess what she was screaming about, her shriek had told them, this was it.

Erica couldn't take it anymore, she refused to stand there and watch her friend die like it was some kind of show. Boyd followed her out only to find her crying in the hallway, "How can they just sit there and watch him die?" She cried into her hands. She always seemed to not give a shit but the truth was, she hide behind every teasing word that left her mouth. "Boyd, we did this to him..." She cried out. Boyd was never one for sugar coding things, and this was no exception, but for his girlfriend's sake he'd do it, "It's nobody's fault."

Stiles was dying, and these were their last moments with him before his demon would wear him like a meat suit. No one had noticed the demon's in Stiles pack appear into the room, and if they did, they couldn't bring themselves to care right now. They knew they had been Stiles support in their absence so they had every right to be here.

When the trembling slowly started to stop Derek's heart dropped, Stiles couldn't go like this. He still had so much to say to him, and what about their baby? He couldn't lose the two, he refused to lose them. The tears Derek had tried so hard to hold back were now falling. "You can't leave me Stiles, please, you have to come back to me," Derek whispered helplessly into the crock of Stiles neck.


Stile's eyes snapped open as he gasped out desperately to take in air as he gripped tightly to the person holding him. His claws were digging into flesh but as he slowly relaxed, his blue eyes meet green eyes.

"Derek, the baby!" Stiles cried as he pulled his hands away from Derek's arms before trying to feel his belly, only to calm when he could hear her little heart pumping, proving she was ok. "Stiles," Derek said as he pulled Stiles into a tight embrace, stopping him from moving further. "I thought I really had lost you this time."

Stiles eyes closed as he relaxed a bit more in the embrace, "I won't go anywhere for a long time," he promised as his eyes slowly turned back to their beautiful brown orbs. "Scott, get Deaton," Derek ordered not bothering to look at his beta. "Right," He said before rushing out of the room. "I'll go with him," Allison said as she ran after him.

"Everyone else, leave." Derek said as he slowly let go of Stiles and laid him back down on the bed. Lydia looked like she was about to complain about the order. They were Stiles friends, they too had been torn up about what had taken place moments ago, so she wanted to be here. Though when she felt Isaac's hand around her wrist she turned to look at him and watched him silently shake his head, "Let's just give them some privacy." Lydia frowned before looking towards Stiles who was gripping onto Derek's shirt trying to sit back up, refusing to lie down. "Fine," Lydia said as she pulled Isaac with her out of the room.

"Alright, we'll be outside." Ester said as he grabbed Jeo and Alexander by the hands and dragged them out. The girls followed out with Zachary behind them, without protests. "Don't go too far." Stiles said, he had lost enough people that day. He didn't need to lose more of them.

Derek turned to look at Stiles and sighed as he leaned into him, wanting to kiss him but Stiles held his hands out to stop him. "I guess you know huh?" Stiles asked as he let his fingers slide at the wounds he had left on him, and as soon as his fingers ran over them, Derek's wounds began to close. Derek didn't have to ask what he meant by that he let out a sigh before saying, "I could smell it on our way back here."

Stiles let his hands fall on his baby bump and rubbed it lightly, a small smile forming on his lips as he said, "It's a girl, you know."

"How do you know?" Derek asked wondering if Stiles newly found powers had the ability to tell the sex of their baby.

"When I was in there, I saw her, and Derek, she's beautiful." Stiles said before looking up at Derek as he smiled meekly, "All she could talk about was you, she wants to meet you." Derek couldn't help but smile, his daughter, wasn't even born yet but she already loved him.

Derek placed his hands over Stiles' hands on his bump, lacing their fingers together as he leaned down to kiss the bump. He loved her already too. "Stiles, about what I said that night. I didn't mean it." Derek said as he moved back up. "I know, Isaac said you were all trying to protect me that's why you didn't want me near." Stiles said as his eyes found Derek's before adding, "Were you really in heat that night? Or was it just to make me hate you?"

Derek frowned at the question before pulling away from Stiles, "I thought I was in heat, because I had slept with you, but now, I don't think it was because I was in heat." Stiles furrowed his brows in confusion as he tilted his head to the side, "What do you mean?" "We're werewolves, our heat cycles are no different from wolfs. It goes on for days, and when we have partners we'll have sex with them until our heat wears off or until the male is sure his partner is pupped. But you and I, we had sex once, and I wouldn't have known if we had conceived that same night. If I had, I wouldn't have let you leave." Derek said watching various emotions displayed in his eyes. "I think maybe it was you who was in heat that night," Derek said, he could still remember the heat that clinged to Stiles that night.

"Me?" Stiles blushed before shaking his head, "I don't think so, from what I recall I was still human the night we made her." Stiles shook his head, there was no way he could have been in heat that night, right?

"It's a theory Stiles," Derek said as his hands found Stiles' hands and laced their fingers once more before bringing them to kiss them like he had that night. "It's the most outrageous theory I've ever heard," Stiles said as he kept his eyes on Derek. Derek couldn't help but chuckle before saying, "Haven't you realized by now, that the answer is always the most outrageous one?"

"He's right you know?" Deaton said from the door, getting both their attention. 

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