Chapter 26

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"I'm going to kill them if the Kitsunes don't kill them first," Derek snarled angrily as he stood at the cliff, looking down at his completely trashed Camaro. Scott made a stinging sound that went well with the face he made before looking at the alpha, "Hey, I'm sure they had a pretty good reason for ruining your car. Besides, we really should be going before their scent vanishes." "You're right, let's go," Derek growled before going back to the Jeep.

The day Scott told him about the Kitsunes leaving, they had returned to question the sheriff about the body he had found. Lucky for them, the sheriff had taken pictures of the body with his phone with the intention of showing Stiles later that night. There was no doubt in either of their minds that, what they were looking at was a demon. They just weren't sure if it was a demon like Stiles or something completely different.

The messages Peter, Erica, and Boyd had sent him the day they tried to contact him, where barely coming in. The first one was from Erica and it read, 'Derek, it's important so call us ASAP!'

'Answer your freaking phone you twerp!' Peter wrote.

'Hurry up and answer your phone! Peter thinks the Kitsunes found Stiles.' Erica wrote.

'Derek, CALL!' was Boyd's message.

'Like right now would be nice.' Boyd sent another.

'Derek! This isn't time to ignore us we really need you to answer!' Erica wrote.

'Fine don't answer! We're just going to go.' Erica wrote.

'We're taking your car, just letting you know so you don't say I didn't tell you.' Peter wrote.

The sheriff had lent them Stiles' jeep when he heard Scott read the first message, and now they were here on the road. Derek loved his car but Scott was right, the car didn't matter right now. What mattered and was important was getting to Stiles and making sure no harm came to him or their daughter.


They had been walking for nearly a two days, their feet were aching and their wounds were still healing but luckily they weren't as bad as when they had just had the accident.

Erica dragged her feet behind her as she clinged to Boyd's arm. "How about instead of carrying that thing around you carry me?" Erica said as she looked towards Peter, who was carrying the dead body that had caused the crash, around on his shoulder.

"No, we need this body." Peter said as he turned slightly to look back at Erica. "There was a reason they stole the body from the morgue, and we need to find out what it was." Peter said as he adjusted the thing on his shoulder.

"It's dead Peter! Whatever they wanted it for they already got it since they dumped it on us!" Erica snarled before getting stopped by Boyd, who crouched down in front of her. "I'll carry you," Boyd said as he pulled her hand towards him, getting her to get on his back. "Thank you," Erica said with a smile as she wrapped her leg and arms around Boyd, all too happy to be off her feet.

"Let's just keep walking, we can't lose their scent." Peter said as he looked towards the endless road that went on for miles on end. It would take them forever to get anywhere close to where the Kitsunes where.

"Do you smell that?" Boyd suddenly asked as he stopped Peter from walking any further before turning his nose up in the air. He smelt blood, and it wasn't humans.

Peter looked at the beta before doing the same. He could smell it, although faintly over the smell of the dead corpse on his shoulder. Peter put the corpse down before drawing out his claws as he ran towards the smell.

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