Chapter 32

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Stiles moved to hug Kira, which she gladly returned. In the middle of their hug, the kitsunes began to test their long prohibited forms. Many of them were missing many of their sacred tails, somewhere even down to one. They seemed absolutely ecstatic but soon they calmed and showed their gratitude to the two with a deep bow which surprised the three pack leaders.

"They're expressing their gratitude," Kira explained as she turned to her alpha. Derek looked at her and gave a small nod before pulling her into a hug. "Thank you," He told her. Stiles couldn't help but smile as he watched the two hug but when his pack returned to his side he announced to everyone, "I hope our packs can unite with time."

Kira let out a small chuckle before pulling away from the alpha to give her full attention to Stiles, who was standing beside the small portion of his pack that remained at his side. "One day we will be," Kira said before looking to the pack that had become hers. The kitsunes rose to their feet and shielded their weapons while others dropped it, a sign of submission and approval of the union.

They will be united one day, but Kira thought the kitsunes needed time to adjust to the change of being one with their former enemy as well as adjust to her.


Melissa had been called down to the 3rd level in an emergency, leaving the sheriff by himself with the baby. The sheriff's bed was adjusted into a sitting position to make it more comfortable for him as he held his granddaughter in his arms. Baby Suzy was very much awake yet silently staring up at her grandfather as he spoke.

"You know, you might not believe this but you're just like your mom," The sheriff said with an adoring smile as he caressed his granddaughters little hands before continuing, "He's not as calm and quiet now but, believe it or not when he was a baby he was just like you. He hardly was trouble but as he grew up your grandma she encouraged your mom's curiosity."

Suzy was looking up at her grandfather with those big green eyes of her that were identical to her father's. A small smile replaced her pursed lips, clearly enjoying her grandfather talking to her. "When your mom was a 3, he was very amazed by what the potty could do that while your grandma and I were preparing for dinner one day. Your mom decided he wanted to play with the potty. He flushed my wallet, car keys, a few toys and his shoe." The sheriff let out a chuckle at the memory. "I don't even know how a 3 year old even fit all of that, but when your grandma went looking for him the bathroom was flooded and your mom was drenched. Lucky for me, the wallet got stuck in the pipe and the plumber was able to retrieve it. Your grandma, she well, she had a good laugh that day."

It was then that Stiles and Derek choose to appear in the room, which Stiles quickly took notice that his baby girl was smiling. "You got her to smile," Stiles said rather awed as he moved to pick up his baby from his father's arms. The sheriff looked at his son and said, "Your back..." It was a rather awkward thing to say but Stiles knew what he really meant. "Safe and sound, like I promised," Stiles said as he pulled his little girl up and kissed her forehead before adding, "We'll be ok now."

Derek couldn't help but smile as he walked over to his mate and daughter. "Yeah, we will." He whispered as he placed a kiss on his mate's head.

/A Year Later/

Derek and Stiles weren't wrong, things were amazing.

Kira was left orphaned but even so, the pack became her family. They had learned to depend on one another to fill that void in their hearts. Kira had fought hard when the child services became aware of her parents death, although they didn't know the reason of their death. It still was one of the hardest things she had to face. However, with Derek's help, Kira was able to get the court to agree to her emancipation. She even moved into the Hale house, much to Peter's disappointment because it meant more kitsunes where going to be around.

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