Chapter 17

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"What do you mean?" Stiles finally asked as he was forced to lay back down so Deaton could check the baby. Deaton was listening to the baby's heart before looking up at Derek and Stiles, "You said you were having a girl?" Deaton questioned Stiles as he took of the stethoscope from Stiles belly and placed it back in his bag.

"What does this have to do with my question? But yes, I'm having a girl." Stiles asked as his eyes slowly narrowed, he was getting irritated and fast. "Well this is new to me like I told Derek, my knowledge about your kind is very limited, but I have been able to find bits and pieces of information." Deaton said as he moved to sit on the chair across from the couple. "What do you mean 'limited'? And you mean to tell me Derek already knows this?" Stiles said as he glared at Derek.

"Yes, Stiles. Now pay attention, this is a lot to take in." Deaton said getting Stiles eyes back on him before continuing to tell Stiles everything he had told Derek. "For starters your ancestor was a demon, one just like you; he was the first leader in history. His name was Inugami Gyoubu. He was ruler of the Tanuki colony in Japan during the Edo era. However, I did find something new. Inugami Gyoubu didn't die of natural causes. In fact demons of pure blood had an eternal life, although your ancestor was tricked by a Kitsune named, Budayuu. He had convinced Inugami Gyoubu that he was fighting for the cause of the people but that was a lie and used him to kill off thousands of people during the war. By the time he found out he had been lied to, Budayuu had used the Inugami's blood to create a poison powerful enough to kill him and sealed all of the Tanuki in the Matsuyama Castle."

Stiles frowned at that before looked up at Derek who had moved him to nest between his legs despites Stiles protest to be near him at the moment. With a sigh Stiles looked back at Deaton and said, "So, the Kitsune are holding a thousand year old grudge against my family?" Deaton shook his head before saying, "It's not just a grudge Stiles, your great grandfather cursed the Kitsune tribe for generations to come as well. They can never fully turn into their fox forms, just like for you and your pack, your blood is poison. That is why they are after you. You're the last decedent of Inugami Gyoubu."

"They've been following us for hundreds of years trying to find you," Ester said as he appeared into the room making Stiles look at him. "Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles asked as tears built in his eyes, maybe if he would have known sooner Suzy and Jay would have still been here. "We couldn't tell you," Ester said before noticing the hurt in Stiles eyes. "You didn't want this, and we didn't want to enforce it upon you. We wanted to give you a choice. You're important to us Stiles, and we couldn't hurt you like that." Ester said as he got closer to Stiles, ignoring the alpha's eyes flash in warning.

"We knew one day you would have accepted us like pack, but when we came to you, you didn't want anything to do with us." Amy said as she appeared in the room before everyone started coming into the room. "We were listening in." Isaac mumbled sheepishly as he scurried over to Stiles and Derek, before snuggling to them. Being the runt of the pack, gave him special privileges.

"D-Did Suzy and Jay know?" Stiles as he began to tear up. He knew the answer already, but he needed closure.

"They knew, we all did." Lia said as she looked at Stiles then at Jeo who had gone to stand besides Ester. Ester took hold of Jeo's hand and sighed, if only Stiles had accepted it sooner, maybe Suzy and Jay would have had a fighting chance. As true as it was, they knew it wasn't Stiles fault, they had all agreed Stiles was worth dying for, he was special to them. He had given them something they had long ago lost. Love, Friends, and Family.

Stiles was gripping tightly to Derek hand as he listened to everything Deaton and his pack had to say. All he could think about was, 'how did things get so messed up like this? They've been hunted for decades and now, the last of their kind were standing before him. They've lost everything they had and were fighting for their lives. It must have been hard for them, and here he was being selfish wanting to remain human. He had gotten Suzy and Jay killed because he had reduced them to nothing. It was heartbreaking, to know they put everything on the line for him, and he was just realizing it.'

"We have to fight, right?" Stiles said as he looked down at his bump. "Don't worry Stiles, you have us. We can protect you and the baby, we're stronger now." Hayley said with a smile before Scott said, "We'll help too."

Stiles got up and walked over to Scott and said, "No, you've all protected me long enough. I can't ask you to fight for my sake." Derek got up and walked over to Stiles, "I won't let you put your life or our daughter's in danger." "Besides, you've done a lot for us too, we want to help and we won't take no for an answer." Erica said as she pushed Derek out the way and hugged Stiles.

"We're in this together." Lydia said as she moved in to join in the hug.

"Until the end," Boyd said as he joined in the hug before everyone moved to join into the group hug, even the demons.

All but Derek, he just watched the werewolf pack and the demon pack come together and all because of Stiles.

"You truly are something." Derek mused to himself as he watched Stiles cry in pure happiness. 

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