Poem 49

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As I stare at this book, there's so much on my mind.

These poems, a symbol of how I was ruined by the hands of time. 

A story of how I was ruined at the hands of a boy

And how depression played my feelings like they were a toy.

Months at a time, day after day,

This is where I wrote the pain away.

It's been a long time since the last poem was written

And since then, I've stopped being smitten

By my demon in disguise, the one who made me addicted to pain.

I've found someone who understands that love is not a game.

He saw the scars, deep in my skin, and touched them gently with one hand.

His eyes glistened with tears and he whispered "I'll help you through this, in any way I can."

My heart skipped a beat and I nodded my head.

Suddenly, I was back from the dead. 

My skin regained color, I stopped faking my smile.

My heart spoke up, cheerfully saying "I knew you'd be okay, even if it did take a while.

This is the one with whom you'll spend all of your days.

He will love you forever, in innumerable ways. 

Just say yes, let him help you up from the ground. 

He'll hold you in his arms and keep you safe and sound.

Now and forever, this is the one.

No more pain for you, your walk down the path to true love is done." 

I smile with tears in my eyes, content with this proclamation,

Suddenly happy that throughout these years, I remained patient.

I've never been so glad to have survived

Or to know that he and my friends will be by my side.

I am at peace at last

No longer haunted by my past.

"Go on," whispered Life, "Now is your time to be free.

Go and be who you were meant to be!

Go on now, live your life!

No longer will there be unbearable amounts of strife.

Write your novels, cherish your time!

You've made it to the finish line." 

And so I did, I broke the ribbon that declared me victorious

And I smiled at the new world; it was so glorious. 

I took my first step, cautious at first

Happy to know I would no longer suffer the worst.

I passed by my friends and each fell in line together

These were the friendships I'd cherish forever.

My new lover took my hand and kissed me with care

I didn't look back at my past, I no longer cared if he was still there.

Here I was, staring into my future, happy as can be

In love with my life and all I could see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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