chapter 1 The past

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Sara was driving with her daughter down the road Lena was about 2 years old. they were late going home because Sara was visiting her friends. Sara adores her daughter she was her most precious treasure. But Lena couldn't get enough of Samantha and Jane. She was thinking about her true friends when Out of nowhere a car came from behind her and hit her car he kept doing that until she ran over the Road. Sara looks behind her to look for her daughter she sighed relief she was okay and still asleep. She steps out of the car and anger and said "what is wrong with you for you could have killed me and my daughter. That's the point said the man.

What do you mean said, Sara? He pointed a gun at her and said Lillian Luther knows that you had an affair with her husband and that brat is the product of that affair.

He didn't know that Sara knew how to protect herself thanks to her two friends. He didn't get to pull the trigger because Sara surges forward and knocks him out with one hit. She tied him up was one of Lena's jump ropes. She deflated the tires of his car and make sure he couldn't use his call

When all this was done she called her friend Samantha. Thank the Gods you picked up Sam I need you to fly to where I am. you'll see me on the desert road, hurry up please said Sam in tears. When Sam saw her she was so worried that she hugged her too tight. What happened are you okay said Sam. Air first she struggles out Sara. Sorry, Sam said. It's OK I need you to take Lena first to J and then come and pick me up said Sara as she wipe her tears away. Sam did what she was told. When she came back for Sara she saw that Sara had started her car on fire. Do you think you could carry me with this stuff that I saved from the car said, Sara? Yes, Sara, I can but you're going to tell us what's going on Sam. I will when we get you to your house said, Sara.

But first, let me a text real quick she wrote a text to Leon telling him what happened and that she will not hear from her ever again or Lena that she doesn't want Lena anywhere near Lillian or him ever again her daughter was her Maine concern.

When Sam and Sara were at Sam's house J ran outside. What's happened Sara you were gone for a few minutes what happened to you said J hugging Sara with a worried look. So she told them what happened on the road and that she needs to disappear for good because she wants nothing to do with Luther and that she just wants to raise her daughter.

Oh no no no J and Sam said at the same time. What do you mean we said, to Sara. Sara, we have known you since you were a kid we love you like the family said, Sam. Especially your daughter something is so special about her she will change the world for the better one day you'll see said, Sam. By this point Sara was crying her heart out she thought she will be alone with Lena. She thought she never sees her family again.
I love you guys I thought that I was not going to see you guys again said Sara is n tears. We love you too you will not lose us we will protect you and your daughter said Jane with a warm smile.

Sara looked at Jane with a serious face and said if anything happens to me promise me that you will not avenge me. you will protect Lena and race her as your own you two are my only family I cannot die in peace and see that my daughter was raised by them.

Sara nothing is going to happen to you said, Sam. Sara just repeated promise me you two have to promise me right now. J and Sam just look at each other and then back at Sara at the same time and they promise and they minted with all their hearts.

What the three didn't know is that the promise will be kept and that it will change Lena in the world for the better.

What are we going to do I don't have enough money to just disappear and you guys I don't know you guys do say, Sara. J and Sam look at each other and smirk at the money you don't have to worry for the rest of your life we may live in this small house but if we didn't have to work for the rest of our lives if we don't have to said Sam. You know that my mom lived here on Earth for many years many many years Sam laughed. my mom over the years that she has lived here on Earth has saved all over the money that you don't have to worry about. The same for me said J.

The two together we have more fortunate the Luther's said, Sam. Let's forget about that now the first we need to change your name permanently said J. Yes, that will be good said, Sara. Why don't we just change my last name to my adopted parents I never told Leon about my adopted parents or that I was adopted said, Sara. That's a good idea said, Sam. J walked over to where the computer and did her work. Lena's to her last name. A few minutes later everything is done and change your and Lena's last name. I went into the city and erase your birth certificate and Lens's and put that she was born in Ireland like you also erase your Social Security and put a new one in and your ID and birth certificates are printed out now also I made a passport just in case you ever need one for you and Lena so now sleep we leave tomorrow said J. But were said sleepy Sara. We will talk tomorrow about that said Sam.

Why don't we go back home to Ireland your mom is there she could help us protect Lena and Sara said J. When they were back in the room in the bed. I was just thinking the same thing love said Sam with a smile.

Back at the Luther mansion Leon just read Sara's text he tried calling but her phone was off. He marched to Lillian and study how could you I told you that I will stay with you but you didn't have to send people to kill her. That's before you forgot to tell me that you had a child with that woman said Lillian with a glare. Too bad you failed she's gone with my daughter and I will never get to see her again because of you said Leon with a snort.

Leon went out of the study when he was at the door he heard a crash but he just kept walking he could not believe he will never see Sara and Lena again he will never get to see his daughter turn into a beautiful woman like her mom.

In the study Lillian was bowling with the anger I promise you, Leon, the child, and her mother is going to die. that child should have not been born said Lillian who now was standing up looking out the window of the mansion holding her wine glass that broke and blood was coming out of her hand.

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