chapter 27 Coming together

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Lena looks at Kara with the most beautiful smile and said it would make me happy to have her as family. With that Lena put her head in Kara's chest and want to sleep. Kara stays up thinking my love your fillings are correct she is your family she wants to hold you and is so happy to find you. With that Kara went to sleep. What Kara didn't know was that Sam and Diana were outside the door for they were going to go check up on Lena. My mom is right as always she truly fills a connection to you, Diana. Diana had tears in her eyes from happiness.

Lena and Diana were in HQ waiting for Abigail when Lena scream in pain. Kara and Sam heard her they were on her side how need us said, Sam. Adam's mom he needs us said Lena in pain. where has he said, Kara? Metropol lake house said, Lena. Aurora who have to arrive heard these and flew right away to go help her dear friend. Kara and Sam were following Aurora. Mom waits up said Sam. Where here Arthur said Aurora. Noo yells at Aurora what she saw her friend on the floor bleeding. She ran to  Adam and said come on you got to be a life please don't be dead as she heads no heartbeat tears started to fall and said  Rao help, please and She starts doing CPR on him when there he cough for air she said  Adam is me Aurora. Aurora the kids are in the Forest got to save them said, Adam. Mom Kara and I got these to take him back to HQ his wounds need stitches but he'll survive the flight said, Sam.

In the forest

Kara and Sam saw women trying to save the kids from a metahuman. Sam was first to react by using her super speed and grabbing him by the neck throwing him in the rocks. Stay away from them yelled Sam in anger. Kara uses these to communicate with HQ and DEO we have kids here that need help to transfer back to HQ. Don't worry Supergirl we will help came a voice in her ear pic. What how are you said Supergirl. Look up with that she saw a spaceship I am going to teleport the kids in here you handle that thing that Sam is fighting. When all the children are gone. Supergirl wants and helps Sam. With Supergirl's help, they had him unconscious in no time. Sam was using her X-ray vision to see if he had anything on him.

What are you doing said, Kara? Dammit, yell Sam in anger. What is going on said Kara? There was a trap this metahuman is wired said Sam in anger. She then pushes her communicator Sam are you OK said Alex that was in HQ in communication. I am OK but there is a trap they want us to take him to HQ or DEO said Sam in frustration. how do you know said, Lucy? Because he is wired but if we take it out there will be explosions and they will know where we are said, Sam. Live him then we can't risk anyone's life said, Alex. No, I have a better idea said the same voice. Abigail is that you said, Sam. Yes. you are early said Sam with a smile. Well, I was already on my way here to talk to Lena about coming back to my home planet for a month said, Abigail.

What is your plan I already took the kids to HQ? I could take that thing to outer space so they can't follow or explode him so we can get him to talk said, Abigail. Do it is Sam Alex and J"onn said with a smile.

Diana and Artemis were at the Infirmary with Lena she had fainted when she felt Adam die. Aurora went to go check on her how is she said Aurora with a concerned voice. She hasn't woken up yet said Diana hounding Lena's hand.

She will be OK Diana Lena is the strongest person you have ever known said Aurora. Lena starts to move when she opens her eyes the first Pearson she saw was Diana. Diana, Adam Lena said in tears. sweetheart he is OK I was able to save him said Aurora. Gran Lena said with a smile. Yes, baby girl. Lena was about to get up from the bed. When she was almost filled in the floor but Diana cash her. Lena turns to her and thinks of her. Stay in bed for an hour more Lena but Diana I want to go see Adam said Lena look at Diana with a pout. No, it's not going to work on me, Lena said Diana. Then there were the tears in Lena's eyes. Oh, come on you can't do that said Diana. Find said Diana throwing her hands up. But I am going to carry you OK. Deal said Lena with a smile.

Aurora and Diana with Lena in Diana's arms walk to the Infirmary where Kara and Sam landed at HQ. Lena are you OK Kara said. I am OK but Diana and gran won't let me walk said Lena with a pout. Kara, she is playing you she almost fills on the floor when she got up said Aurora. Lena only pouted and turn to Diana can I go see my Grampa Adam Dia said Lena, Dia. Diana had frozen she had not heard that nickname sense, Sara. Are you OK Diana yes I am OK Diana said well holding Lena tighter? Lena only looks at her then nodded. Lena's thoughts I hope one day she will tell me why when she looks at me it seems that she want to cray.

Adam that was in the Infirmary was waking up when Diana and the rest came into the room. Gramp you are awake said, Lena. Are you OK he said with concern look to see Lena in the arms of a Mystery Woman that had put Lena in the seat close to his bed? I am OK I just fainted they did not want to have me walk because I almost fell to the floor said Lena with a frown. Oh, and how are these said Adam well moving his head to Diana. Oh, I am sorry for my manners Lena said lowering her head. This is Diana she is a new friend and this is my first and only love Kara said Lena well moving her hand to till Kara to come forward. Hi, sir Lena has been telling me about how you taught her how to fight and learn your languages. So she did then you know if you ever hurt her I will kill you said Adam in a serious voice. Kara only smiles and said I wouldn't she is also my first and only love and you would have to get in line with the rest sir to kill me. Adam only smiles with Kara I like you. Lena doesn't lose her. Lena only looks at Kara and said I would not dream of it for she and or daughters are my world.

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