chapter 10 Surprise enemy

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The sound of her aunt's voice surprises all three of them. I  have your approval for courting  Lena. Yes, You have. Kara Lena knows our culture believes and or language I have taught her everything since she came to live with us in Ireland said Aurora. So if you tell her how you fill she will understand. Do you think she will accept even if I cheated on her said Kara with a sad voice? Kara, you didn't you want to move on thinking that she was dead said Aurora. she will understand that and she will tell you the same thing you did not cheat on her said Aurora. Talk to her OK Lena is more understanding than you think said, Eliza.

Then I will take it to her tomorrow.
No Kara takes to her when everything is over when we save your dad and stop Lillian goons for good said Aurora. Why that long Kara whined. Because then she would not be afraid that Lillian would hurt you said Aurora.

So I have to wait to tell her Kara said in a sad tone.

Aurora only smiles at her and said yes but that doesn't mean you don't get to know Lena now.

What do you mean said, Kara?

She means Kara asks her out to show her National City. She has never been heard. And get to know her all over agent said, Eliza.
Well I got to go home guys I don't want Lena or the rest to worry about me said Aurora. With that everyone went to sleep.

The next morning Lena was going to hope Enterprise when there was an explosion up ahead
Lena and Ivan's car was turned upside down. Ivan was hurt the worst she was the unconscious.
Lena was conscious for the most but the hurt to her arm was dislocated her head was bleeding she had Cut all over. Get out Luther I know you are Not Dead came a man voice. There on the Road was a man with a suit that was black and Gray. Lena was punching Ivan out of the car. What do you want from me said Lena when she got Ivan at a safe distance. I want you out of my city said the man.  Lena had stood up and walked to the building nearby and pop her shoulder back in she cried from the pain. Then look at the man in the road in anger. You would hurt innocent life just to take me out of this city who are you said Lena in anger. I am the guardian said the man. Guardian, you are no Guardian look around what have you done you have hurt people and just to try to get rid of me you are no protector you are no hero said Lena in anger.

James got angry I will show you are a hero. He was about to use a stun gun on her when they Heard a Voice get away from her now.

Earlier that day Lena had to leave earlier than usual. To hear the others   Kara, Alex, Eliza, Sam, J, and Aurora were eating breakfast in Lena's apartment. Kara kept looking at Alex. What going on Alex. Noting it that Maggie was going to be here a long time ago. That is when there was a knock on the door sorry I am late my partner kept nagging me for some papers that I never returned and I couldn't find them said, Maggie. At that moment every one of Lena's family froze a beeping noise the came from the bracelets that they wore. Lena, they are all set at the same time. With that, they all left in a hurry.

Alex and Kara know something was wrong with Lena. I am going to follow them said, Kara. I Am coming with you if she is in trouble am helping said Alex in a worried voice. Just then Maggie's phone rings what are you serious I'm on my way. I know what is going on Guardian has a hostage they just found out that is Lena O'Connor said, Meggie. What said both Alex and Kara with anger that even Maggie was afraid of them?. She told them where they at then Kara flayed with Alex faster than normal to their location. When they got there Kara and Alex's anger didn't waiver at all know they were furious at James. What in the world are you doing Alex and Kara said at the same time.

I Am showing the world that she is a monster that her kind should be Parish said, James. J could not take it she use her powers by floating him up in the air and dropping him on the floor hard until he was unconscious. Everyone looks at her she was angry and said take that, piece of garbage away before I do something I don't think I will regret. Ma's low voice came it was her daughter J ran to her. Ivan ma she needs help said, Lena. J hugs her daughter. Ma Ivan needs help Lena repeated. Honey you need help too said J. But with that Lena fainted in her ma arms. Sam and J were alarmed Aurora is the one how stayed calm. Sam takes your daughter to our headquarters. J you get a ride with one of the agents that are here. I'm taking Ivan with me. Alex you and Supergirl take the piece of garbage I don't want him anywhere near our Lena ever again said Aurora in an angry voice. With that picked up Ivan flayed tours, their headquarters.
That was where Maggie came towards them. Where taken this so call idiot to headquarters.
Mom what are you doing here

I came with Maggie I was worried about Lena. J was now dragging one of the agents with her. She saw  Eliza ask her if she has a car, yes Maggie's car did not want to start. Good, you can take me to my headquarters said J., Of course, Jane said, Eliza.

Back at headquarters Aurora and Sam were worried about Lena and Ivan. They were pacing when Jane and Eliza walk in. How is or little girl and Ivan said J with worry voice.

We don't know the doctors haven't come out said, Sam.

Back at the D E O

Kara was a dragon a still unconscious James. Alex was looking at him with rage. J"onn and Winn look at them with confusion. What is going on said Winn? This piece of garbage had Lena capture in the middle of the street pretty much destroy the buildings that were around. Lena and her bodyguard are right now fighting for their lives because of him said Alex in an angry voice. J'onn and Winn were in shock at this news. Alex Supergirl I like to know all the details of what you know said J'onn.

That is what they did. It didn't take long for they know little.
Call us when he wakes up said, Alex. Where are you going said, Winn? Where else I'm going to go find out what's going on with my sister said Alex with anger. Lits go Kara Lena needs us now said Alex with anger. They leave behind a shocking J'onn and Winn.

Back at HQ

They came just in time because the doctor came out the same time they passed the doors.
Tell me, you got the idiot that hurt Lena and Ivan said the Doctor in anger. How are they said, Sam? Ivan is found she has a broken arm and leg in time they will heal. Lena is in a medically induced coma. The doctor had tears in her eyes she had puncher long dislocated shoulder and a broken wrist. I don't know how she stayed awake long with that kind of pain said the doctor. Is she going to be OK J said with tears in her eyes.

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