chapter 8 They meet again

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When Lena saw that Kara fainted she ran to her. Kar comes on wake up Lena bent over her. Ivan why won't she wakes up said Lena with a worried look that tears were starting to form. Lena, maybe we should move her said Ivan. Cat where can we put her at said, Lena. my office has a sofa Cat said. Ivan can you pick her up say, Lena. Yes, of course, Lena said, Ivan. Ivan picks her up like nothing. Please be gentle she's a good friend of mine said, Lena. I will don't worry said, Ivan. James went to his office and call Alex. Alex, you got to hurry and come to Cat cop Kara fainted. Alex Alex James kept calling.

In Cat's office, Lena was worried out of her mind. Why won't she wake up Ivan? I think she is shocked to see you, Lena said Ivan. Lena may I ask how do you know Kara asks Cat. I meet her when we were kids My birth mother had to go to the conference at Metropole. We meet when I tripped Eliza it the first time I saw her and Alex but we became good friends said, Lena. I voice answers for her. when she saves Alex and me from bullies. Kara had an answer for her. Lena jumped into Kara's arms kept repeating sorry. How are you alive said Kara. Lena didn't have time to answer the question when Cat's door open. A worried Alex came accompanied by Maggie and Winn. When Alex saw Lena she almost fainted before she ran up to her and hugged her. You are alive how Alex said.
Maggie Winn and James and especially Cat were all wondering what's going on.

Alex, I'll tell your everything tonight why don't you tell your mom to meet us at my apartment and I will explain everything say, Lena. you better I'll come looking for you Alex warn her.
Lena laugh I'll give you my word Alex I'll tell you tonight.

Come on Kara I'll take you home you need to rest for tonight said, Alex. No no, I want to stay here and help Miss Grant with Lena's interview said, Kara.
Karie, I think it is better if you go with your sister said Cat. But I want to stay with Lena said, Kara. Lena was still worried about Kara she still looks pale to her so she walks over to her and been down and says Kara pleas go with Alex and rest. Lena was saying all this and caressing Kara's cheek. But if I go I won't see your age says Kara in tears in her eyes that Lena was wiping them away. Lena hugs her aging and says Kar I promise I am not leaving you I'm here to stay.
Kara got up and walk over tours Maggie because Alex walks over to Lena again and hug her and said you better not leave us ever again. I want Al says Lena in tears.

On the road back to the DEO Alex and Kara were in the back of the car. She is back Al she back Kara said With Tears In Her Eyes that
Alex herself had to have tears.

When they came back every agent was shocked to see red-eye Alex and Kara. Maggie couldn't take it anymore and said what's going on with Alex who was that woman. Hold on a minute I'll tell you said, Alex. Kara go pick up Mom right now and bring her here. on my way was all Kara said.

Maggie Winn and J'onn there she explained who Lena is to them how they thought they lost Lena and her mom. How Lena without knowing helps Kara with her powers. how Lena saves them from bullies and shows them how to fight. Maggie, you told me how I'm good at fighting it's because of her I never wanted to tell you because it was hard to remember her. Alex said crying.

Maggie got up and hold her girlfriend. Maggie, we thought we lost her cry out Alex in tears. When Alex comes down she says we thought we would never get to see her again.  At that moment Eliza and Kara came back. Eliza ran to her daughter and hug her is it true what Kara has been telling me, Alex. Yes, mom Lena is back and it looks that she's the owner of Hope Enterprise said, Kara. WHAT yell Winn. I should have known she would be the owner of the company only someone like O'Connor could own that kind of company said, Eliza. How are they like said J'onn? Kara Alex and Eliza smiled Sara and Lena were the kindest people you have ever met. They accepted aliens like any other human. Lena even calls some of the aunts said, Alex. Sara loved winding up Lena all the time she uses to tell her to act like a kid and eat a burger once in a while said, Kara.

When we found out that they died God we have never been so hart broking said Eliza with tears. We thought how can some of the greatest people we have ever met have been killed like nothing said Alex in tears. they were interrupted by Kara's phone ringing. Hello Lena how did you get my number? Oh, it's OK I don't mind. Know that I think about it you didn't. Let me get some paper to write your address. Yes, I am OK yes am taking it easy. OK, we will be there.

That Lena she calls because she remembers that she didn't give us her address said kara. you should have let me talk to her said, Alex. Sorry, she had a meeting with her people that she could not be late to. She told us that we could talk and if you wanted to invite some friends it was okay said, Kara.

Can I go said, Winn? I would like to accompany said J'onn. Maggie can you come with us said, Alex. We should invite James to said, Alex.

At 5 all of Kara's friends were outside of Lena's apartment. When Alex knock everybody was confused that Lena was not the one to open the door. Hi, am Ivan am Lena's body, guard/ assistant.
Come in Lena just finishing the potstickers. She said they were your favorites Kara and Alex.

Hi was that them Ivan or my mom's here said Lena had come out of the kitchen. All the Denver ran to Lena and hug her. Is your mom Sara coming Eliza said. Lena gave a sad smile to Eliza with almost Tears In Her Eyes. Alex and Kara saw this and took one of Lena's hands for support. No, she won't be joining us I'll tell you why after we eat okay said Lena as a tear fell from her right eye. Dinner was good everybody talked and laughed Sam and J were there they're introduced as her mothers. Kara Alex and Eliza we're confused but Let It Go because Lena told them she explains everything after dinner.

Know they were in the living room. Why did we see in the newspaper and TV that you and your mom were kill said Alex. because we wanted the world to think that said, Lena. What why said, Kara. My mom is the one that was murdered and for my safety, my aunts convince the police to tell the world that I have died too said Lena with a sad look. What why this time it was Eliza. OK let me tell you from the beginning, okay no interruptions promise she looked directly at Alex and Kara for that both promised at the same time.

So she did tell them about how her mom was lied to by her father Lion how she cut ties with him once she finds out. But when he found out that she was pregnant he kept trying to interfere in her life. Because of that, his wife found out. Should tell them that his last name was Luther and that his wife Lilian has been trying to kill her since she found out she existed. How over the years send Hitman after her but her grandma and her aunt's and Friends always protected her. But that is not all Lena got up from her seat went to her book Shelf and got a folder. 7 years ago she was able to kidnap me. By God's, I thought she was going to kill me that day. But a was able to untie me. But that is not all I was also saved by your dad. What all Denver yelled.

But he died in the mission said, Alex.
That is what Lillian wanted you to think. He has been kidnapped all this time said, Lena. But if you Escape why isn't he with us said, Alex. Can I tell you what happened to me out said Lena with a sad look? Alex, Kara, and Eliza all nod so She told them what happen how they escape. How they save the kid's life but how everything went wrong when they shot Jeremiah. How she ran back to help him but she couldn't because they shot her to that all she saw was Lillian with a gun. Sam finishes the rest. Lena was the closest to us so I went for her and put her in the van. I was going to go back for your father
but more of her man came there was no way we could have to save him and save Lena's life because she was dying in front of us from the gunshot in her stomach and shoulder. He told us to help Lena and leave him that she would need us. We went back for him when we got Lena's help but we didn't find him no one. We found out that he was still alive by or friend just recently.

like we believe a Luther said in an angry voice.

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