chapter 4 learning the truth

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The man has been following Lena and her mom. he just found out that his chance to kill both of them is tonight. It is too easy he thinks. There in the night, the snakes at Sara's house. Sara is busy watching the dishes that she didn't note the man in her house with a gun pointed at her. But when he was about to pull the trigger a knife flew at him. You think that I didn't know you were at my home said, Sara. Sara practically flew at him hit him in his stomach. The gun fell to the floor she kicked it out of the way and grab one of her knives. Come on you came into my home and try to kill me let's see what you got said Sara in anger.

The man only smirks at her and said you think you can take me, woman, nobody has. Sara only had her smirk. The man was too cocky because he didn't see that Sara had boiling water on her stove and that she was right there next to it. She got it and threw it at him in the face. He cried in pain and was too distracted from it that Sara got the pan and hit him in the head. But what they didn't know is that Lillian had him falling to make sure that he got the job done. Her man that was seen everything so when he had his opening he shot her in the back. The pain drops her to the floor.

Miss Luther sent his regards he was about to kill her when the door flew open and yell mom I am home yell, Lena. Lena runs yells, Sara. Lena was known in the kitchen when he saw her mother on the floor in the man right there. She did what her mother told her and ran towards the forest. In distraction from Sara, he didn't see that Sara got the knife and stabbed him in the leg. You can kill me now but she's not getting my daughter ever said, Sara. He shot her in the head after that. When I was running in the forest Lena heard a gunshot she knew her mother was dead. He ran towards the forest to get Lena. The stab wound was slowing him down. But he was going to get the job done. But what he didn't know was that Lena was raised in the forest and that her ants give her a bracelet that will call them to her as they need to be. So Lena did just that She hid in the Secret spot that her aunts did for her if she needed to hide from enemies.

There in the cave, Lena hid crawl in, and push the button in her bracelet.

Sara and J were making out in her mom's house. J stop mom will get made again. Don't want to love won't you know.
All of a sudden stop they heard the sound they never wanted to hear. Lena needs us both said as they hurry up and gets dressed I heard it to said Aurora as she open the door. They did not just call those three they call every alien that was in their town that love Lena as Their Own and they were angry they never thought they will hear that noise that their baby was in danger.
Some ran others fly others drove tourist Sara's house. When they got they screamed in the agony of their lost one. Those that knew about the cave wanted to get Lena.

When they found Lena everyone's heart broke they couldn't believe it they didn't protect their baby.
Lena has always been like a daughter to all of them in the little town. Grandma, he killed my mommy. The man had a gun gran. Lena was crying her heart out in the arms of her gran. Everyone had tears in their eyes they could not prevent this from happening to her why couldn't they. That's when they saw him he came out of no were with a gun. just give me the kid and I won't shoot you
Said the man. You think we are afraid of your weapon boy you are mistaking said, Sam. He shot her but it bounces off of her and then Sam uses her super-speed and got him by the caller. You pay for what you did said Sam in anger.

Aurora calls her daughter Sam I'm taking our little one to my home. Get information on what he knows and who pays him to do what he did.

All through the night, Aurora saw her grandbaby crying out for her mom. She knew the hurt will never heal because her daughter Sara is now dead. Aurora now let herself cry for the daughter that she'll never get to see because she was taking from her and for her granddaughter that will never get to see her mother.

Hours later Sam and J or back. What happened said Aurora. What happens mother it was Lillian Luther is what happens said Sam crying in agony. Sam had let herself fall to the floor. Aurora went and hold her daughter. Who is Lillian, a voice from the door? Lena sweet hart Lena cut of J. No aunty J who is she why did she want to kill my mom. J and Sam look at one another they know that they have to till her. OK, little one we will till you but some of it the rest we will tell you when you are 16 OK said, Sam. OK said, Lena.
So they told her what happen that her mom fell in love with and had her and her father was Lion Luther. Lena was on a trampoline and crying when was finished. hey little one what's wrong said J. Or you going to tack me to Lion now said Lena with fear and tears in her eyes. Aurora Sam and J went wide eyes in surprise. What do they all say at the same time? J has been down on the floor so she will be leveled with Lena that was sitting down at the table. Sweetheart, we made a promise to your mom me, and Sam we promised her that if she ever passed away that we will race you as our daughter.
You are not sending me with them said, Lena. No, we will never send you away from said J. Good because I never want a dad all an ever wanted was my mom you aunty Sam gran, and the rest of our family said Lena with a tear in her eyes. When Lena was back asleep. The rest of the town was still in chaos. So they lift Lena with Ivan one of the fearsome fighters and one of the kindness. Don't worry little one we will protect you said, Ivan.

They were all in the hall there was a yell for Justice. They all quiet down the moment the O'Neill
Enter the hall. Who was sent to kill or own the same one yell? Quite we will till you the Luther found them that is why they kill her Aurora said sadly. They all knew Sara pass how was Lena father they did not care they love her as there own. What or are we going to do another yell. My family will go and we will make her pay for what she did to us. We are going to get evidence of all the evil that she is doing and we will win said Aurora. I heard rumors about her family and what they do to Our Kind those who wish to go with us are welcome to come those of you who want to stay here in this town are welcome but we're going to go and get Justice for my daughter said Aurora. Where are we going Anthony said? We are going to Star City in America said Sam with a smirk. We leave in the dawn said J. With that Aurora left with her family.

Mom are you sure about what are we going to do said, Sam.
Yes, I am we need to go and keep my Gran baby safe said Aurora.

But why Star City it uses to be my old playground and I have friends there that could help us said Aurora.

The next day in the Luther mansion

A call came in Lillian man and call her told her that they found her man remember anything and another dead. That everybody in the town was gone the whole town was deserted. Lillian in anger broke everything in her office now she doesn't know if her man succeeded or is there still alive.

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