Chapter 34 Justice

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I know that you guys don't like how I finch how Lex was captured so easily I did that because I have a surprise how he is going to pay for his crimes not tilling.

Lex the psychopath that he was he did not figure out that his people were out the number and that some of his men were working for the Heroes and were attacking them too. He figured it out when two of his men shot the other two. Stand down know Luther said, Jack. What the hell are you doing you work for me said, Lex? No, I work for Lena O'Connor the one who is responsible for your end said, Jack. In the background, you could hear explosions. I will pay you a lot of money if you help me said, Lex. Jack just laugh you think you can pay me off I will never betray my friend the woman that save me from you and your mother said Jack hitting Lex in the head with his gun.

Supergirl all suddenly came into the room. He is all yours Supergirl Said Jack looking at Lex in the ground. J"onn that was with Supergirl saw that Lex was waking up he got his cuffs out and put them on him. When he woke up J"onn and had him on his knees. You could have had more money than you would not know what to do said Lex looking at Jack with a glare. Still talking about it you will never understand what is loyalty. I would prefer to die than betray Lena and my honor that my parents and Lena taught me said Jack looking at Lex with disgust.

With that Jack walk out of the room the other Soldier follows him.

With Lucy and Alex

They were in the hidden lab that Jack show them on the map. There they found Lillian trying to do something on the computer but couldn't access it. You won't be able to access any files Lena and her people put a stop to it said, Alex. That made Lillian jump from her sit well agent a guest you have me said Lillian with anger. What Alex didn't know was that Lillian was getting her gun that was on the table but she never got the chance to for Lucy that was invisible shot her in the arm. You think that I would let you shoot my family you mistaking said Lucy well her suit invisibility was off showing where she was there. Maggie came in when she heard a gunshot and cuff Lillian and was about to drag her out of the room but was stopped by Alex. Stop Maggie I forgot to do something. What is that babe? This said Alex hitting Lillian across the face dropping her on the floor that is for Sara and Lena. With that Maggie walks her out reading her rights. That is against the Law it police brutality said, Lillian. did you see anything, Lucy? No, Maggie, I did not see anything. No yell Lillian being dragged out of the room.

In Gotham

They have captured Max Lord he was teaching a lesson by Bat he was now hanging him upside down put me back up now yell Max. Tell me are there any more people that we mist yell Bat to Max. There is no need for that Bat Lena already got into their system we have all we need saying Victoria. With that Bat throw Max to officer Garden. Take this trash said Bat with disgust. Bat comes in his communicator turn on. Lena is that you said, Batman. yes Bat we mist a building is underground there I am seeing it there are children they were being an experiment. How do we get in said Batwoman? I sending you everything you need to get in there said, Lena. What is wrong Bat said Garden. They have children trapped underground said Bat with anger and disgust.

What said every officer in anger. Where said Garden and some officers. I got it said Robin running to the directions they need to help the children. You 4 take that trash the rest of you follow them said Garden. When they got in the understand lab all of Bats, Catwoman, and the officers feel like they were going to throw up. They were children in cages they have them in tubes and wires all over their little bodies. Bat till your friends not to shoot the gliders they are going down now do not take anything from them it can be dangerous said, Lena. Bat told them what Lena said. Lest than 2 minutes, about 10 gliders were Landing on the back of the building. All the aliens and people ran to the underground to where the children were.

With Cat and Louis

The moment that Cat and Louis and 5 aliens appeared in front of the president they were surrounded by her bodyguards. We meet you no harm president said Cat.  How are you said, Lynda?
I Am Cat Grant and these are Lois Lane. We came to bring you evidence of some of your people that work for Cadmus. Stand down leave us said the President. BUT MAM these could be a trap. Boy if we want her died she would have been thing how we got in the building said Cat. With that agent left feeling embarrassed. Show me your evidence said the President. They took over one hour to look at every paper and video that they had in the USB. How that you get all these said the president. We got it by Lena O'Connor she is the stepsister of Lex Luther. What I never heard of her said the president. You wouldn't for she has been in hiding all her life said Cat. I don't understand said the president. That is when Cat told her everything about Lena that she knows. She sounds like an amazing woman said the president. She is Madam president said Cat. Will let's go clean my staff and the rest of my country of these monsters said the president with Authority. She made a call of the people that she could trust to arrest everyone that was on the list. The one that we're working for her she gave great pleasure in seeing them arrested. Cat, Louis I would like to meet Lena if you would let me said the president. We would love for you to meet her but she is not on earth she is in a spaceship. Yeah, she calls in her friends that were coming to pick her up because she is one of the leaders of some Planet Alliance that they created said, Louis. Planet Alliance said the president was confused. Well, I don't know that much about it all I know is that Abby and her creative planet Alliance that other planet leaders heard about and saw how well it work so they came to seek out Lena's advice on how they could join in on the planets Alliance. Really how many planets are in their Alliance. Abby told me there were about 200 planets and there about 300 planets that have to want to join the last that she saw.  what exactly is this Alliance for said Lynda. It helps their planets form some peace and show them how they could help not destroy their world. To help work with nature then destroy said, Louis. I  would like to go with you to the spaceship if I may say the president. Cat and Louis look at one another to see what they thought it was  Louis how to answer her. That will be OK Madam president. With that everyone teleported to Abby's spaceship.

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