Chapter 19 saving the Hero part 2

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There in the doorway were Lena and Kara. You are willing to help said, Martha. Lena tilted her head In confusion why wouldn't I help him need help said, Lena. Lena still looks confused at her mom's looking for answers but they were looking at Martha confused as well so Lena shook her head and said is the room ready yes she look into Sam's eyes. Yes, everything is ready. Good me Alex Eliza and Aaron will be in the room. I will do it in one hour. Have you taken his powers said, Lena? No, we will do that when we finish the meeting said Aurora. Good, then you have everything I need to to the operation said, Lena. yes, we do say J. Good, then all we have to know is what  Lillian wants with all these said, Lena. We can call Eve and the others that have an eye on them said, Sam. All of a sudden Lena stopped talking and turn to and said Kara gets or kids there waking up. On it, Kara uses her super speed and was back on the list then a minute with the girls crying for their mom. Lena only had her head up and her eyes closed. She only looks when she knew her daughters were close.

Mommy all three yell for their mom. Kara had her daughters in her arms but the moment that they saw Lena Eve and Faith flew to Lena's arms. Hop only said no fare. Hop cross her arms and pouted. I Am in trouble now said Lena with a smile.  Why is that love said, Kara? Because hop is getting your pout said Lena the well tickling her baby girl. Mom no me mad said Hop with a pout. why that Hop said, Lena. Because Eve and Faith can flay me can't say Hop with a pout. but you are healer  Hop you help mommy that is something we couldn't say, Faith. Yeah, I wish I had that can power yeah  I can fly but you could heal said, Eve. We are sorry that we made you think that flying is a big deal when is not said, Eve with a sad look. Eve is right said Faith you can do a thing where we can't say Faith hugged her sister.

Everyone In the room saw them smile. You did amazing raising them, said  Eliza. Lena just smiles at her. Just then Lena's phone ring hello what ok thinks. Lena what is going on said, Sam. I will tell you in a minute said, Lena. She made a call hey it's me I need you to come to National City and take my girls into hiding said, Lena. I was right Lillian starting the war soon said Lena. Good, I will have them ready. She made another call to Ivan. Ivan, I need you to come to DEO and go with my girls yes is time. Lena then turns to her daughters that are crying we don't want to go mommy said, Eve. Lena closes her eye and tears went down her face. Lena has been down and hugging her girls I know but I want you safe these will be the last that we separated said, Lena. The girls fall asleep in Lena's arms. Lena what is going on said, Kara. First, take the girls in the room then we will talk. Kara did just that. OK, talk said Kara.  Lillian succeeded in her plan said Lena in tears. What was her plan said, Kara? She planned to break out Lex from prison said Lena in anger. What everyone yells. Lena put her hand up to stop everyone and said that is not all they are coming here to kill me and my girls and the rest of the alien population. They found out that they have a  virus that if they release it will kill them all so We are moving the surgery up we are also going to need help said, Lena. The Justice League will help us said, Louis. Make the call and The rest we get ready to go war said J'onn. 

Lena was doing the operation when she was almost finished she heard tapping in the window there stood all the Justice League and her girls. Lena looks out the window and smiles. 5 minutes later they were closing up. Lena and the rest got out they were all ambushed with questions. Quiet everything went fantastic we will give him his powers then put him in the sun lamp he will be himself said, Sam.  Are you sure we could trust that woman she is after all related to the Luthor's said, Batman?  Lena was about to respond when Sam took Batman by his cape and through him by the wall. Don't you dare compare my daughter to those people? If you are going to judge her get out I will not have you close to her or my granddaughters said Sam in an angry voice. I am sorry mam I didn't mean anything bad said Bat. Sam got close to Batman's face and said in the angriest voice don't ever judge my daughter again human or not I will rip your limbs apart. Come on girls Sam said to her daughter and her granddaughters As they walk away from the rest of the people.

Wonder Woman just hit Batman in the had. What the said Bat. You deserve that and more said, Wonder woman. Didn't you see what she was doing? That girl was saving the man that came to her work to hurt her and accuse her of being evil that he was willing to kill her then you came here trying to put doubts about her that low even for you said, wonder woman. Bat had the decency to look down in shame. I didn't know that said Bat. What I have heard about her from Kara and some agents they all praise her. They all said the same thing said, Wonder woman. What they say said Flash. They say that she is the kind person they have ever met. That everything she has been through they don't know how she can still see good in this world with that  Wonder, Woman walks away from them.

Wonder Woman was looking for Lena to apologize for bats Behavior. When she heard wait up why in the world did you leave me with them said Artemis. Sorry, a was not thinking love said, Diana. What are you doing said Arteries?  I am looking for Lena and her moms to apologize said Diana. They found Lena and her daughters saying goodbye. They were hugging when Lena broke the hug to remove a necklace she holds up. When  Wonder Woman and Artemis saw it they gasp in shock.

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