chapter 2 New Life

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In Ireland, Sara loved it there and as time pass she learn about Sam's parents Sam's mom treated her as a daughter. Aurora was one of a kind Lena adore her. She could never get enough of hearing, information about Krypton. Aurora talks about her planet her culture and she's teaching her how to speak at 2 and Lena assorted it like a sponge.

Mommy a want to be a kyp like a granny can I said Lena with a smile. Oh sweetheart you can't be a Krypton-like your grandma Aurora but you could help her by keeping her beliefs alive said Sara with a smile. Like Rao mommy said, Lena. Yes, baby like Rao said Sara. Lena looks at Sara in her eyes mommy I will keep Rao but not what they did by hurting their home said, Lena. Sara was amazed by her daughter so it was Sam that was there with Sara. Sara I am telling you your daughter will change the world for the better said Sam with a smile. She is just 4 years old Sam said, Sara. I know but your daughter has a bright future ahead of her said Sam.

Lena is now 9 years old she has met aliens and became friends with them she's more comfortable with them than humans. everyone that she meets loves her as one of their own. Right now Sara has to go to a conference and Lena has to go to. Mom how long do we have to be there said Lena. 2 weeks maybe more Love said, Sara. Can I go Explorer promise to be good said, Lena? Sara only laughed. Hey, what's so funny said, Lena. you Lena misbehaving I do not think that you have ever misbehaved said, Sara. Lena only pouts with her arms crossed and said Mom, you know that one day I am going to get in trouble just for you to stop teasing me. Sara laughed harder. Mom stops laughing said, Lena. OK OK, I will yes you can go explore only if you take the bracelet that your aunt gave you said Sara with a smile. I will say Lena put on her bracelet and got a book.

Little that Lena knew that she will meet Denver's family that day. For the first time.

Mom Kara won't give me my book back said, Alex. Girls if you don't behave I will not tack you to eat Chinese food after my conference today said Eliza in a firm voice. That stop the girls in their track. Lena was so busy with her book that she didn't pay attention to where she was going she knocks over Eliza. I am so sorry a was not paying attention to where I was going please forgive me said, Lena practically in tears said Lena as she was helping Eliza up. It's OK it was an accident said Eliza with a smile. No, it is not OK my mom keeps telling me that a shouldn't read and walk at the same time that I could get hurt or hurt somebody said Lena looks down in shame. Eliza looks at the child and could only smile and said What is your name? At that moment Sara came out of the room and was surprised to see Lena still in the hallway. Lena I am is surprised that you're still here what happened said, Sara. I trip this nice lady when I was reading and walking at the same time Mom said Lena looking at her mom with teary eyes. I Am sorry mom a should have listened to you I won't do it again I promise said Lena with teary eyes. Sweetheart, it's an accident you didn't mean to trip her said Sara with a warm look.

I know but it should have not happened I should have listened said, Lena. Sara was going to conferred her daughter but Eliza bet her to it. Eliza could not stand it she was down to Lena's level and said Sweety it's OK I forgive you. You truly forgive me said Lena with a smile. I forgive you truly said Eliza with a warm smile. With that Lena surprise Eliza by hugging her. after the hug, Lena looks her in the eyes and said are you OK I didn't hurt you did I. Eliza look surprised she could tell that Lena was concerned for her well-being I'm okay and you didn't hurt me, sweetie said Eliza. Good Lena said with relief. Lena looks at the wristwatch and said mom if you don't go know you to be late. Sara saw the time and said am going to be late. Sara was about to leave but Lena stops her mom you are forgetting your bag. Mom yell at Lena again yes you also forgot your cards there on the table in the room. Sara's eyes widen in Surprise oh thinks. Mom doesn't forget you are supposed to eat with Auntie Eve and her new girlfriend at the hotel's restaurant said, Lena. Lena, you are not coming said, Sara. no am staying in the room eating probably ordering a salad said, Lena. Lena Sara whined. Moom Lena did the same. Why don't you act like a kid and tell me that you are ordering a burger and fries Like a normal kid, Sara practically whined? I should be telling you to eat salads not the other way around said, Sara. Mom, you should be happy that I like eating vegetables said, Lena. Sara was looking at her with a pleading look. Lena just growled find I'll order a milkshake are you happy. Yes, very Sara smile. The elevator opens Sara got in when it closes.
Why is my mom so weird and she forgot her laptop Lena said with a sign. Alex could not take it and said do you and your mom always talks like that. Yes, Lena said confused look. Oh said, Alex. Lena I will like to introduce you to my daughter Alex and Kara and I am Eliza Denver. Is a pleasure to meet all of you I'm sorry I can stay longer but I have to take the laptop to my mom. When Lena was in the inside pool to she heard a noise coming from a room where she saw Alex and Kara surrounded by 4 boys. Come on let's get them. I will suggest you stop or I will hurt you said, Lena. Lena had gotten a branch that has fallen. What are you going to do kid we are 4 said a kid with brown hair. You are only one kid said
Smirking boy with blue eyes. You may be 4 but that those not mean you will win said Lena.
Get her the boy said. Lena flips over the boy and hits him in the back. Another came at her she easily moves out of the way and he fell at the share that was close by. The third boy tries to use his fists but she uses his strength against him and flips him over. Leave know she said Lena but was interrupted by the left guard that said freeze all of you. I am calling your parents said the life guard. There were now in the office in the hotel when Jeremiah Eliza Sara and the boy's parents came in.

why are kids here and who hurt you boys said the dad? Eliza and the rest were looking over their kids Alex who hit you said Jeremiah with anger. The boy's father interrupted them I want to know what happened to my kids and why are all three of them hurt now said the dad to the manager. I'm the one who hit your kids said, Lena.
Sara was shocked her daughter never got in a fight before she knew she could defend herself but this was new to her. Why did you little Jeremiah step in this way because he was charging to Lena? Why did you hit them Lena said, Sara. So Lena told her mom what happen.
The boy's father heard what happen he was shocked to hear what his sons did and what we're going to do to the girls. He turns to his sons apologize to the three girls this instinct I did not raise you to be bullies or to hit women. the boys said sorry to The girls. The girls only nod. The boy's father said to the manager that he will pay for all the damages they did. When they left Lena to turn to the manager and said I'm sorry for disrespecting your hotel like that. I just couldn't allow them to hurt Alex or Kara the way they were going to. The manager was shocked the girl's mother wasn't even telling her to apologize to him or anything she did it of her free will. It's OK you just want to protect your friends. Lena only smiles and says thank you for accepting my apology sir. The Denver family did the same we're leaving at the same time and Sara and Lena.

Jeremiah stops Sara and Lena hi am Jeremiah this is my wife Eliza and our daughters, Alex and Kara. I just want to think you for protecting my girls. Lena only blushes and looks down its no problem sir I only did the right thing. Even if I am going to be in trouble aren't I mom said, Lena. What Kara and Alex yell she can't get in trouble for protecting us said Alex and Kara again. Lena to tell you the truth I don't know to be proud or just ground you said, Sara.
Proud all the kids yell. There was a commotion in the Hotel can you believe there is an alien in this hotel the Denver's just tense up. Lena only smile and turn Sara did the same aunt Eve Lena yell

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