switching phones {e}

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ethan's pov

we're almost done with the video. grayson has one last thing to do on my phone and my nerves are getting the best of me.

"the last thing i'm going to do is text y/n" grayson says

my heart starts beating loudly as i watch his fingers tap the letters over and over again, forming words; hurtful words.

'y/n we need to break up. i don't love you anymore'

my heart almost stops beating as i read those words

"bro no. don't send that. please, i'm begging you don't send that"

he presses send "no grayson. why would you do that?"

"it's for the video" he says with a smile on his face

i restrain myself from slapping that smile off his face

"oh she replied" he says and looks at the screen. his face drops and i pull the phone away from him, reading what she wrote.

'i didn't know you felt that way. i still love you, but if that's how you feel i'll let you go. have a nice life ethan'

my heart drops to my stomach as tears weld up in my eyes. i walk away from the camera and run to my room. grayson just broke up with my girlfriend.

y/n's pov

i read the text over and over again. why would he say that? i thought we felt the same way about each other. how many times did the words 'i love you' spill from his lips without meaning? how long has he felt this way? how long have i been a fool to love someone that doesn't love me back?

god, i'm such a fool to love someone like ethan. of course he doesn't love me back. no one like him will ever love someone like me. i don't deserve him.

the tears weld up in my eyes and i let them spill down my cheeks.

*two days later*

ethan's pov

i through her apartment complex. eager to get to her floor. grayson made me wait two fucking days until the video came out claiming that it was the rules. i actually want to kill him right now.

just the thought of hurting her, without it being my fault makes me want to break down. but i hold it in as i knock on her door.

a couple minutes later, she opens the door. her eyes are red and swollen for all the tears that she shed over me.  her cute, button nose is rosy like her cheeks. her hair is all over the place. she's wearing a shirt, sweatpants, and no socks; showing her little feet.

she's a mess, a beautiful mess.

she sniffles and looks at me "go away. you broke up with me, remember?"

i cringe at her words and scratch the back of my neck "uh yeah. that wasn't exactly me"

she looks at me confused "then who was it?"


"if it was him, why didn't you tell me?"

"i couldn't. it was for a video. did you watch it yet?"

she looks at the ground and shakes her head "i couldn't bring myself to see your face or hear your voice" she whispers

my heart aches at her words and walk into her apartment. i sit on the couch and she hesitantly joins me. i grab the remote and look at her "may i?"

she nods and i turn the tv on, pulling youtube up on the screen. i find and click on our new video.

she watches the screen as i watch her. i take in all of her beautiful features and find myself falling deeper in love with her; if that's even possible. 

when the video ends she looks at me and studies my face. i'm about to say something when she jumps on me and hugs me tight, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist "i thought you didn't love me anymore" she says, her voice getting muffled by my shirt

"of course i still love you baby. how can anyone not love your awkwardness and your beautiful face. not to mention you perfect body"

she slightly pulls away. her arms loosely around my neck and her face inches away from mine.

"i love you y/n. nothing can ever change that" i whisper

she slams her lips into mine

"i love you more ethan"

"impossible" i whisper before kissing her plump lips again

ethan dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now