my sad boy {e}

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e: i'm sorry

y/n: for what?

e: i just am

y/n: why baby?



i knock on the door and gray opens it

"is e here?" i ask

"yeah, he's in his room, why?"

"i'll tell you later"

"oh okay" he says but i'm already walking up the stairs

i knock on the door and there's no answer

i begin to panic, but try to remain calm


no answer



i twist the door knob and surely, it opens

after mentally face palming myself, i walk into his room and close the door behind me

i see him laying on his bed, curled in a ball

i sit on the bed and wrap my arms around him

his body continues to shake with his quiet sobs as whisper sweet nothings into his ear

he eventually calms down enough to uncurl from his ball and looks at me

"did you?" i ask quietly, afraid for it to be true if it was said any louder

he shakes his head and rolls up his sleeves. old scars scatter the insides of both his arms, no new ones.

i lean down and gently place my lips on the tough and scared skin of his arms

he looks down at me with tears streaming down his cheeks

i wipe one away as i stare into his eyes "beautiful" i whisper

he shakes his head before placing it in his hands, covering his swollen face

i kiss the top of his head "you are truly beautiful, ethan. and i know it's stereotyped as a word used for girls, but it's not just used for them. anything and anyone can be beautiful, inside and out. and you-" i remove his hands from his face and kiss his tear stained cheek "are beautiful in both ways"

he leans in as i lean forward, our lips colliding in perfect harmony


he's my sad boy and i cherish every moment with him because i never know if or when it will be the last

and that's harsh to say but you can only fix a broken person for so long, eventually they decide whether they want to get help and fix themselves or give up entirely

and right now, i'm hoping that he wants to let me help him

because my sad boy deserves some happiness 


pt. 2 ---->

ethan dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now