can't have {e}

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ethan's pov

"ethan, hi" y/n says hugging me

i hug her back and breathe in her delicious sent "hey y/n"

she pulls away too soon with a smile on her face

i smile back and just for a second my heart feels happy

her smile on her face grows as she looks behind me

there, stands my twin, grayson

she runs to him and jumps into his arms, kissing him

and just like that, my heart drops

i know that i should feel happy for my brother and my bestfriend, but i can't help but feel envious and jealous. because my brother has the one thing that i have always wanted. and it's because he has her that i can't have her. and that tears me apart. i liked her first but my brother got her before i could rack up the courage to. she should be mine, not his. he shouldn't have her. i should.

"e, you okay?" y/n asks

i slap a smile on my face "yeah, i'm good"

she laughs and turns back to grayson

i slump onto the couch and try to drown out my thoughts with tv

they walk over and sit on the couch next to me. y/n giggling and grayson smiling widely

i instantly get up and walk to my room, trying to escape the pain of seeing her with my brother

"where are you going, e?" she asks

i ignore her and continue to walk away

"he's probably on his man period" grayson says 

i hear y/n's laugh along with his, but i ignore it because it's better for them to think that than know the actual reason for my behavior

i close my door and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling

i try to think of anything besides y/n, but she's the only thing that comes to my mind

her gorgeous features and her equally gorgeous personality

god, i'm in love with my brother's girl and it kills me

i want her so bad

but i could never have her because the truth is, we fall in love with things we can't have. and she was that thing that would never be mine


a/n: i normally don't do this, but you should read  @ignitedolan  
story. trust me, you will get hooked by the end of the first chapter
it deserves so much more credit than what it has :)

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