olive theory {e}

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you and ethan were eating out, just as friends. not a date or anything like that.

you finished your salad, leaving all of the olives, considering you hate olives.

ethan looks at the olives on your dish "aren't you going to eat those?"

you shake your head "no i hate olives"

he smiles and stabs them with his fork, popping them into his mouth, one by one.

he chews the last one with a smile on his face. the smile slowly disappearing as he stares at the table

"what's wrong?" you ask

"nothing. i just thought of something that my grandma told me before she died" he whispered

"what did she say?"

"she said 'ethan, if you find yourself a girl that hates olives, keep her close.' she was talking about the olive theory"

"what's the olive theory?"

"the olive theory was a theory that my grandma had ever since my grandpa and her started dating. it was the fact that she hated olives and my grandpa loved them. she said that's what kept them balanced."

you smile and lean forward "how about we test that olive theory out"

he smiles and leans in, placing his soft lips on yours


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