haunted house {e}

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haunted house {dt edition}


"babe, i'm going to scare the shit outta grayson" ethan screams

you can't help but laugh at how excited he is. he's like a little kid in a candy shop.

"ethan you're first" gray says, walking over with a camera in his hand

ethan takes the camera on a tripod and begins to walk through the maze that grayson had designed for him. 

you wait with grayson, outside of the maze, listening for ethan's screams. followed by a swear word after each one

at the end, david, zane, and toddy appear taking their masks off. ethan laughs and hugs them.


in the end, ethan loses and has to bob for onions. 

"after you grab each one, you have to take a bite out of it before you can spit it out" grayson says, grinning at you

you roll your eyes as ethan starts.

when he finishes, they do the outro and turn off the camera.

"babe come here. give me a kiss" ethan yells, chasing you around the warehouse

you run away screaming, until you trip and fall. ethan jumps on top of you and plants a kiss on your lips. you push him off and wipe your lips

"ew dolan your breath reaks. you need to brush your teeth a thousand times before you can kiss me again"

ethan laughs and walks away to shower and brush his teeth


after ethan's shower, you, gray, david, zane, and toddy all hang out on the couch in the twins' apartment

david vlogs as toddy looks at you and bites his lip, glancing at ethan out of the corner of his eye, before leaning towards you

"hey, she's mine" ethan growls

you look at toddy and burst out laughing. david and grayson join in as well

"why are you all laughing?" ethan asks confused

"we planned it during your shower" you manage to squeak out between laughs

david points the vlog camera at you as a signal. you lean your head on toddy's chest "are you jealous?" you ask raising your eyebrow

before ethan can say anything, zane shouts "of course i'm jealous"

zane runs over and pushes you out of the way, jumping onto toddy's lap "he's mine"

you all burst out laughing as david turns off his camera


the rest of the night was spent laughing and having a good time

the boys eventually said they had to go. you hugged them goodbye, but stopped david on the way out

"you know i love you, but next time bring liza cause she's my boo"

david laughs and nods "i will"

you smile and hug him again before letting him leave

ethan grabs you hand and twirls you around, wrapping his arms around you "i love you" he mumbles

"i love you too, but your breath is still foul"

he laughs and kisses your forehead

"but i think i'll have to keep you. stinky breath and all" you mumble kissing his lips


ethan dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now