flower {e}

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you, my love, are a flower. you're sweet and delicate. you've been pulled from the ground and your petals have been plucked one by one, but you're still the beautiful flower that you've always been and always will be

i read these words on the piece of paper over and over again, smiling to myself

it never fails to bring a smile to my face

i found it in my locker a few weeks ago and instead of trying to find out who gave it to me, i've been treasuring it

afraid to find out that it's some type of sick joke

i walk out of the bathroom, wiping my tears

i stop and sit on the ground when i hear yelling, not feeling like awkwardly walking through it

"i'm going crazy, dude" i hear a deep voice yell

"just calm down, ethan" another voice says

"but she hasn't figured it out yet, i'm going insane thinking about her all the time" i'm guessing ethan, says

"she'll probably figure out that you put that note in her locker soon"

"but it's been weeks, grayson" ethan says


ethan and grayson

the popular twins?

a note?

i look down at the piece of paper in my hands

my eyes widen

this note?

in my locker?

am i the girl he's talking about?

suddenly, i hear footsteps

i glance up and see ethan looking down at me

he smiles and sits on the floor in front of me

"did you hear all of that?" he asks, rubbing the back of his neck

i blush and nod

he looks at my hands and blushes

"um, yeah, i put that in your locker hoping you would figure out it was me"

i smile "i thought it was a joke or something, so i decided not to investigate"

"why not? wouldn't you want to know whether it was a joke or not?"

i shake my head, looking at the piece of paper "i'd rather not know. that way, i could think that someone might actually think this about me"

i glance up at him and see him smiling widely "but i do think that about you. it's not a joke. i seriously like you, y/n"

i blush "i like you too, ethan"

he smiles widely, like he just won a first prize trophy

he stands up and offers me a hand

i take it and let him pull me to my feet

"how about we ditch" he suggests

i smile "sure"

it is seventh period after all


"so my flower" he starts

i blush at the nickname

"what should we do?"

i smile "how about we watch some movies"

he nods, smiling "and pizza?"

i nod "of course"

he smiles and jumps up, ordering the pizza over the phone

i scroll through the movies as he sits down next to me

"how about that one?" he asks, pointing to a scary movie

"no" i whine

he laughs and gently takes the remote out of my hand, clicking on it

"don't worry, my flower, i'll protect you"

i smile as i look at the screen

five minutes in and there's already a jump scare

i let out a small scream as i dive into ethan's side

he laughs and wraps his arm around me, holding me close to him

i cuddle into his side as we watch the rest of the movie


we throw the plates and pizza box away as grayson walks through the door

he immediately walks over to me with a big smile on his face

"you must be, y/n" he says

i nod, smiling

"no wonder my brother couldn't stop talking about you. you are beautiful"

i blush "thank you"

i feel two arms wrap around my waist from behind

"mine" ethan whispers as he places his head into the crook of my neck

i laugh as it tickles causing ethan to laugh as well

"you guys are weird" grayson says, walking away

i turn around in ethan's arms and lean up to kiss his nose

he smiles "i've waited so long to hold you in my arms"

i smile "i'm here now. what are you going to do with me?"

he leans in and places his soft lips on mine

i melt into the kiss causing him to smile as his lips continue to move against mine

we pull away, catching our breath

he leans his forehead on mine, eyes still closed

"you have my heart" he whispers

"i promise to treat it well" i whisper back


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