Chapter 3

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-[Y/N] Pov-
I walked into the dining room and sat down in the big chair at the end of the long table. Though I've only been here for not even a day, I was already starting to feel lonely.

Someone placed down a few plates, some silverware, a napkin, and a cup. Once they gave me the food, I rightfully said, "thank you" and my guards gave me a dirty look! Sorry for being nice to people that we don't pay!

Anyways, I finish eating and drinking. And I turn to Charles, who is the head guard (A/N: imagine him how you want bc I'm too lazy. And no not Charles Lee).

"Charles, what're we doing today?" I ask

"Today we are going to meet the Schuylers,"He responds.

"The Schuylers? Why do we have to go meet them?" I ask.

"The 3 girls wanted to meet you. Well, their dad wants you to meet them." He says.

"Alright," I say.

I get up and we head out. I spot a crowd of people around two men.
I walk closer to hear what they're saying.

"This congress does not speak for me!"

"My dog speaks more eloquently than thee."

"They're playing a dangerous game!"

"But strangely your mange is the same!"

"I pray the king shows you his mercy"

"Is he in Jersey?"

"For shame,"


"For shame!"

"FOR THE REVOLUTION" more people joined in that time. They go back and forth for a while until some soldiers come in saying that there is a message from the king. I decide that I don't want to hear that so I walk away.

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now