Chapter 31

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I walk over to Charles. He opens his mouth, but I interrupt him with a hug. He tenses, but hugs me back.

"I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly," I say, tears pricking at my eyes. "It's not your fault, you did everything you could. I just couldn't take the pressure of being a princess. Father was putting so much pressure on me to be perfect. The truth is, I'm not perfect, I'll never be perfect. I feel that I'm not supposed to be a princess."

"[Y/N]...." Charles says, it sounds like he's crying. I pull back and I realized that I was crying as well. "I love you..." he says in a whisper.

"I.... love you too, but you wouldn't be happy with me," I whisper back. "Everyone wants you to be happy, Charles, especially the author who feels like she's gonna cry right now." (Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm not crying! You are!)

Charles nods. "It'll hurt right now, I would know, but I promise, you'll find someone better than me." I tell him.

"Yes... we could never make each other happy," he mumbles. He hugs me again. "Keep in touch, alright? I'll write you when I find somewhere to live."

I nod into his chest. He pulls back and wipes the tears from his face. He smiles at me and I smile back, he gave me a real smile this time. I'm happy.

"Okay.. DeDe, Frank, I think we should go. Thank you for taking her into your home Mrs. Washington." Charles says. I don't want him to leave, but it's for the best. I hug him one last time.

"Thank you for everything Charles... thank you for spending everyday of your life with me. I think it's time for you to live your own," I say. I hug Charles, DeDe and Frank one last time before they sadly leave.

"I'm gonna miss them so much," I say to Martha.

"It's sad, yes, but I promise you'll be happy, I'm sure you'll keep in touch with them," she says, patting my back reassuringly. I nod. Yes, I'll get better soon.

~idk how long, but time skip until after the war was over~

Mom is excited. Dad is coming home today. I'm excited too, I haven't seen him since that 'interview' we had back in 1780. Alex and I have been sending letters to each other. He told Eliza that he wasn't in love with her. I love him so much. DeDe was right, he did wait. Charles found a place to live and according to him, he courted a lovely lady by the name of Sabrina. (Subtle nod to my upcoming book is subtle). I'm happy for him. I'm happy that he's happy.

"I'm home!" A voice booms from the doorway. Mom and I hop up and rush to meet him. We envelope him in a group hug. He laughs. "Long time so see! I missed you guys so much!" He kisses Martha and he hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. "Oh yeah! [Y/N]! There's someone here to see you!"

He moves out of the way to show a disheveled looking Alex. I smile and envelope Alex in a gigantic hug. "Oh my god Alex!"

"[Y/N], I missed you so much," He says. We pull back and I kiss him. He act surprised at first, but he kissed me back. We then hugged each other again.

Lets just say this was the best day of my life.

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now