Chapter 12

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-[Y/N] Pov-
A few people showed up to talk to me, but Charles told them to come back tomorrow.

"M'lady, there's a letter for you," Charles said and handed me a letter.

"Thank you," I say. I look at who it's from. Looks like I got a certain 'Alexander Hamilton' interested in me. I smile and open the letter.

"My Dearest, [Y/N],

How about you sneak out tonight? I know Charles is very strict on you. But, if you sneak out I'll give you some of my clothes and we can go to the bar with my friends. They're not very.... fond of you. But, I feel like you should get to know them. They're really nice people. If you do decide to come tonight, meet me by your slave house. I know, you told me that you don't call them slaves, but that's the term for it. You don't have to come if you don't want to. You're a busy person, but I thought it would be a good idea. Anyways, I hope you come.

Alexander Hamilton"

I smile. Maybe I will sneak out. It'll be nice to get out of the house without my guards. That doesn't happen very often.

As I continue to think about it, I get butterflies in my stomach. Why did he ask me that? I haven't known him that long, but... but I think I might be in love. Or maybe I really just want to be friends with him.

If what I'm feeling is love, than there's no way I'm going to marry Thomas Jefferson.

"M'lady, are you alright? You've been smiling dumbly for a few minutes. Is that a cute letter from your suitor?" Dede, one of the maids that father sent with me, said.

"Oh, Uhm, sadly Mr. Jefferson hasn't sent me any letters. I-it's aletterfromsomeoneelsethatIfancy," I said as quick as I can so she couldn't hear what I said.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Uhm, It's just a letter from a friend," I lie.

"A BOY friend?" She asks.

"N-No," I responded.

"OOOooOOOOooooOHhhhHHHhh, It looks like little lady likes someone else," She teased. I blushed deeply.

"S-shut up," I say sheepishly.

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now