Chapter 23

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I didn't expect anyone to open, but low and behold I'm met with the face of Peggy Schuyler.

"Hello [Y/N]. It's late, shouldn't you be sleeping." She says. She then looks around. "And where's Charles?" 

"I just wanted to get out of the home. It's so stuffy in there... you know... all the guards.... my father who showed up out of no where..." I say. " I didn't think anyone would open the door."

"I stay up a lot. Wait, what did you say about your father?" She asks. 

"Oh... nothing. Umm... You should probably go to sleep. I don't even know why..." I trail off and turn around, mumbling to myself, I start to walk away when I feel Peggy's hand latch around my wrist. She pulls me into her. We stand there for a second, I can feel her warm breath on my face. She laughs nervously and lets me go.

"I'm sorry..." She said. "I... I don't know what came over me... you're right... I should get some sleep. Goodnight [Y/N]..." She says.

"Goodnight Peggy." I respond. She closes the door and I smile. I can't describe that feeling, but it was different from when we talked at the winters ball and way different from when we met the first time. I turn around and walk home.

HELLOHELLOHELLO! Sorry this is so short I just wanted to get this out and I thought it would be cute. So, how does this chapter make you feel, should I keep going with what this chapter wanted, or was Peggy really just tired. Anyways, thanks so much for reading and I'll see y'all later BAIII!


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