Chapter 17

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~Skip to winters ball~
-[Y/N] Pov-
It's 1780, there's a winters ball.

Though in England we had a lot of balls that I had to go to. We never really had any for the seasons. Yeah, we did have one at the end of the year, and on birthdays, and for literally anything else. But, we never allowed just anyone to come, you had to be a noble in my fathers eyes.

Anyways, DeDe and Carly are helping me get dressed. DeDe picked out the  big elegant, poofy, yellow dress with golden swirls embroidered on it.

I shake my head, "DeDe, I think this is a little too fancy for this particular event."

"Oh. I'm sorry your highness. I might've gotten a bit too excited. I'll get something better suited to your tastes," she says and rushes over to my wardrobe.

I look in the mirror while DeDe looks for a dress. I look a lot different since the maids have been "training" me. I've gotten thinner, my hair is longer than I usually like to keep it, my eyes look sunken in, it feels like the life has been sucked out of my body. I just don't look like me, at all.

"Here, this might be better," She says. I put it on and look in the mirror. It's less big and elegant, but it's not something I would wear on a daily basis. It's white and it has a golden collar that starts at my shoulders and it has [F/C] flowers starting on the chest and going down to the waist. (See picture above)

I look in the mirror again. The dress is so pretty. I nod my head. "Thank you, you both can leave," I tell DeDe and Carly. They walk out.

"We'll be leaving in 20 minutes," DeDe says and closes the door.

The dress may be pretty, but I don't feel pretty. I'm not myself, and if I can't act like myself, then I'll never be pretty. I'm ugly, I've been basically starving myself and not sleeping because of all of this stress they've been putting on me to be the "perfect princess". I don't know what's wrong with how I was before, but apparently something was.

I sit on my bed and sigh. What's wrong with me? I just stare at the floor and I'm startled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

"Come in," I say. Charles walks in with my white cloak in his hand.

"Your Highness, it's time to leave, it's pretty cold outside, so here," He says, handing me the cloak. I force a smile, nod and stand up, grabbing the cloak. I put on the cloak and we head outside. Charles and I get in the carriage and we head to the ball.

Once we got there Charles and I walked in. A woman hurried over to me.

"May I take your cloak you highness?" She asked. I nodded and took off my cloak.

"Thank you ma'am," I say, handing her the cloak. She looks surprised, I know what she's thinking. 'Did the princess really thank me?' Why do people think that I don't have basic manners?

As we make our way towards the main room and I start hearing the music and the talking get louder, I grow more anxious. I stop dead in my tracks, Charles turns around.

"Your highness are you alright?" He asks.

"Charles, I don't know anyone, and I can't have all these people staring at me," I say. Charles shakes his head.

"The Schuyler Sisters are here, you can talk to them, as for the people, just ignore them, they're beneath you anyways," He says. I shake my head and walk over to him.

"Never say that last part again," I whisper to him. He nods and opens the door. I walk in and I'm greeted with the stares of mostly men. Some made eye contact with me then licked their lips and smiled. Charles waked over to me.

"Just ignore them," he said again.

I ignore them and head right to a little room with all of these rich people, I've honestly never seen before. They look at me and I nope out of there really quick.

After a few tries, I find a room where I'm all by myself. I plop down on a chair and sigh. Charles got swept up by some girls while he was trying to catch up with me. Though he's probably happy that so many girls are giving him attention, seeing as something happened with him and his wife.

I hear someone slump into the seat on the other side of the room.

"Bad night?" I ask.

"Yup," they say, sighing.

"Same, I don't really know anyone here, and I just feel really out of my element," I responded.

"I feel the same way, though my sisters are here, I feel like they're having so much more fun than me." They say. "Like hey, my sister Eliza already has her eyes on a man, and everyone's paying attention to them. I don't get why I'm less desirable than them."

I look up and look over at them. It's Peggy Schuyler. I've met her before. Maybe we can hang out.

"Look, you're not less desirable than them, you're the youngest, people usually don't try to romance them because they don't think what they're saying is true." I say. She looks at me. "I'm the youngest too and I always got angry when my brothers and sisters were all having fun talking to and romancing the opposite sex. I always got left out. But I realized that I don't need to get attention to enjoy myself. Whenever my father held balls, I would stay for like 3 minutes then I would sneak away and do something enjoyable the rest of the time. But, if you decide that attention is really important to you, go out there and just be yourself, if they don't want you, it's their loss."

She smiles. "Thank you, your highness," she said.

"Just call me [Y/N]," I tell her, smiling, she nods. Someone coughs. There's this short young man with short black hair parted on the side. He has lighter skin and looks very nervous.

"Ex.... excuse me, Uhm.... Miss. Schuyler, I... I was wondering if you wo... would wanna dance with me?" He asks. She looks at me. I nod at her and she walks off with him, smiling and laughing. Looks like she got what she wanted.

Through the archway door I can see Charles dancing with this beautiful woman with curly ginger hair, she's wearing this beautiful red dress. I sigh.

"I'm glad everyone else is having fun," I say to myself, looking down. I look around the room when a familiar face walks in.

"Oh, hello your majesty," he says, bowing.

"It's nice to see you again, Alexander," I responded. He smiled.

"I've been looking for you," Alex says. I give him a confused look.

"Why would you be looking for me? I'm not exactly an exciting person," I say.

"I wanna dance with you. So," he walks over to me and sticks his hand out. "May I have this dance?"

I nod and grab his hand. I might actually enjoy myself for once.

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now