Chapter 16

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-[Y/N] Pov-
Father added a new term to my arranged marriage, if someone, someone who is wealthy, can win my affections before Mr. Jefferson comes back, he'll call off the one with Jefferson. I'm glad, but at the same time I'm not. Mostly because I'm pretty sure the person who's won my affections is not wealthy.

Why does god hate me?

-A few days later-
-Alex Pov-
Thanks to our chat with [Y/N], mostly everyone doesn't hate her now. I think since General Washington likes her, everyone else does.

"Alex," John says, bursting into our tent. "Did you hear?"

"Obviously not, what's going on?" I ask.

"The princess is going to the ball!" he says, too excitedly.

"Why are you excited about that?" I ask. "You hated her."

"There's a catch to this though. If you read the note one of her guards sent, it says that if a rich man can win her affections, her arranged marriage will be called off!" He responded.

"Okay...?" I say.

"And... if you are as into her as you seem, we can talk to her and I can stand in as the rich guy who's won her affections!" He suggested.
(I'm not sure if this is true, but I'm pretty sure Henry Laurens was wealthy. Pls don't hate me if it's not true)

"Wait... Why the hell do you think I'm into her?" I ask.

"Well, ever since you got back from the 'interview' or whatever, you've been looking off into space more. Unless, you're thinking about me, which I can see why, I'm very hot, though if you're not, you're definitely thinking about her," he presses. I roll my eyes and wave him off. He leaves and I get back to work.

Me into the princess? What is John going on about? Just because she has that beautiful [H/C] hair, and those [E/C] eyes that shine brightly, and that beautiful smile that makes me feel bubbly inside, and her great personality... wait. Crap, maybe I am into her.

But really, even if I am, there's no way a rich and beautiful princess would be into me. There's so many other suitors for her, rich suitors.

-[Y/N] Pov-
I sigh and stare out the window in my room. Nothing exciting. The red coats took over New York. The red is getting really boring, I prefer blue.

Anyways, Charles has let me go outside again. I mean, as long as he's with me. He's been more lenient. He apologized for yelling at me and told me that he was just having a bad day.

I asked DeDe and she said that something happened with his wife, she's not dead or anything, in her words, "the bitch probably cheated."

I don't know, so whatever. I only really have one thing to look forward to like at all. Though I'm not looking forward to it that much.

Hellohellohello! Sorry this chapter is so short. I couldn't think of anything else. I hope you guys like this chapter. Sorry it took so long, I got sick and I couldn't stare at a screen for more than a second without my head hurting.

Anyways, I'll see y'all later BAII!!!


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