Chapter 14

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-[Y/N] Pov-
Alex walks up to me and kisses my hand. I blush and smile at him.

"I'm glad you could make it," he says.

"Well, it's better than sitting in the house," I responded. Alex hands me some clothes.

"Here, put these on, Uhm, don't worry, I won't watch," he says and turns around.

I removed my nightgown and put on Alex's clothes. They were quite comfortable. And quite big on me.
(Honestly, irl, his clothes probably wouldn't fit me ;-;)

"Are you done yet?" Alex asks.

"Uhm.... I hope so," I responded.

"You hope so?" Alex laughs and turns around.

"Well, sorry. I've never worn men's clothes before," I stick my tongue at him. He laughs quietly.

"Oh yeah..." he turns me around and puts my hair in a low ponytail. "There you go.. let's go.."

We walk off the property and to the local bar. We walk over to a table with 3 other guys sitting there.

"Hey guys, this is my friend [Y—- James. James, this is John Laurens, Marquis de Lafayette, and Hercules Mulligan," he gestures at his friends. I nod and we sit down. I can tell they've already had a decent amount of beer, considering all the empty bottles.

-A few hours later-

I didn't drink at all. I'm not an alcohol person, I don't think I've ever touched alcohol. I'd rather have tea.

Though now I had four drunk idiots on my hands and if they do anything it'll be on my hands and I can't have anyone finding out who I am or I'll get more slanders thrown at me.

I sigh. And look at them all.

John is Alex's best friend, I've seen then together around town a lot and they talk more. He's kind, outgoing, outspoken, and very energetic, especially when drunk. John has a brown tinge to his skin, he's skinny, but not too skinny, his hair his light brown and is pulled back into a ponytail. He has curly hair at the end of the ponytail and his hair is slicked back in the front. He has brown (or maybe hazel??) eyes, the easiest eye color to get from your parents.

Lafayette is the one French or maybe homosexual friend we all wish we had. He is nice, flirtatious, and outgoing, he is even more flirtatious when drunk. Lafayette has darker skin than John, but lighter skin than Mulligan. His hair is a dark brown pulled back in a high ponytail, his hair is also slicked back in the front. He also has brown eyes.

Mulligan is the Dad of the group. He's not as drunk as the others, but is still pretty drunk. He's funny, nice, outgoing, and a bit sweet, he's even funnier when drunk though. I would call him Hercules, but i don't feel like it, so Mulligan is fine. He has the darkest skin of all the boys. He has short black hair with a hair band(?or something, I don't wanna ask?) around it. He also has brown eyes.

Alex is the guy you wouldn't expect to drink this much, but does. He's a bit flirtatious, goofy, and smart, he has no common sense, and he's stupid when drunk. He has the lightest skin of all the boys. He has dark brown hair in a ponytail just like the others except for Milligan. He has brown eyes like everyone else. And I'm not sure if he's just being nice to me or if he's trying to court me. I'm not sure which one I would like him to be doing or which one I would be mad if he wasn't doing.

"Jamesy~ why aren't you drinking anything?" An obviously drunk Lafayette asks me. I shake my head.

"Uhm.." I try to think of something I've read in my books. "It's good to have a sober friend to help when everyone else is drunk."

"Smart," he replied. "Smmmmaaaarrrttt thinking Jamesy boy~"

"Why not just a liiitttllleeee though?" John asks.

"I-I shouldn't... I couldn't..." I responded. It's bad enough that I'm here, but going home drunk, Charles would literally kill me.

"Why not~?" John teased. "It's goooodd."

Why am I trying to reason with these drunk idiots?

"I... I just don't want to okay?" I say, I'm starting to get frustrated. "I'm going to get some fresh air.."

I get up and go outside. I lean against the wall and sigh. One of the bar wenches followed me outside.

"Hey there big boy~ you look like a rich one~" she says. Trying to be seductive.

"Sorry, I'm not interested," I wave her off. She doesn't leave.

"Oh~ playing hard to get I see~" she says. Why is everyone so damn flirtatious? How come I'm not? What the hell?!

"I'm really not, good day ma'am.." I say and start to walk away. She grabs my arm. "Please, I have to go." I yank my arm away from her and start running.

"You're an idiot!" I hear her yell. "Fucking bitch!"

I run back to my house. I go to the "slave" house and pick up my nightgown.

Hopefully everyone is sleeping. I open the door and see Charles reading a book. He puts the book down and walks over to me.

"Your majesty, where were you? Where did you get this dreadful clothing?" He asks.

"I went out.." I mumbled.

"With who?" Charles asked, teeth clenched, tapping his foot.

"With myself.." I responded.

"No you didn't. Was it the guy that DeDe keeps saying you got a note from today?!" He yells. I feel tears well up but I look down and nod. "That's it! You're not allowed out of this house! Every letter you get I will pre-read it! And you're not allowed to see that guy again. You're marrying Mr. Jefferson and that's final!"

I run up to my room and close the door. I've never heard him that mad before... I start crying.

Charles has never yelled at me before. I'm not a kid anymore... but if I don't do what he says... father might get mad and come here just to yell at me.

Why does the world hate me?

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now