Chapter 27

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I sigh as Charles pulls me away. I can only think about one thing right now: Demon Girl.

"Charles... Who was that girl?" I ask. I really don't want him to court her, she scares me.

"Just some girl I met the other day..." He responds. I feel someone staring at me so I look around, no ones looking. Weird.

"You're not going to court her... are you?" I ask. I hope he says no... Please say no.

"I... I was not planning on it. Why?" He asks. His voice, which is usually monotone, has the slightest bit of curiosity in it.

"I get a bad feeling from her," I say. 'She's a demon' would be a weird thing to say right now.

"Your majesty, you get a bad feeling from everything. Remember when you didn't eat dinner because, and I quote, 'it looked at you wrong'" he says, his voice is monotone again.

"I... Be quiet! I was younger! That was a different time!" I say.

"That was last week!" He almost yelled. "Now stop trying to prick around in my social life!"

I opened my mouth but I got scared and shut up. I don't like it when Charles yells. "I'm sorry..." I whisper and look down.

"When we get back you're going straight to your room! No books, no nothing for the rest of today and tomorrow!" He states bluntly. I just nod.

Maybe I'm wrong... maybe she isn't a demon... I'm sorry.

I stop walking. I'm still looking at the ground. A tear falls down my cheek.

"What do you think you're doing your majesty?" Charles asks. Annoyance fills the monotone void of his voice.

"I'm sorry Charles, but I can't let you do that..." I say. It's almost a whisper. Oh no, what am I doing? Abort abort!!!

"What was that?" He asked. Don't say it [Y/N]... don't say it. Keep your cool. I look at him right in the eye, tears welling at my eyes.

"I said...." don't do it! Stoooopppppp! I cough. Tears fall down my cheeks. "It said that I can't let you do that." I spoke louder that time. He definitely heard me. GOD DAMN IT [Y/N]! I TOLD YOU TO KEEP YOUR COOL AND LOOK WHAT YOU DID! YOU'RE DEAD! YOU'RE SOOOOOOO DEAD!

Charles doesn't say anything. He just turns and starts walking away. I've never talked back to Charles before. It was kind of scary, but I've never felt so much in power before. I felt... in control of the situation.

I've never felt like that before. Everyone's always taking control of me. I should take what I want... I should... no. How foolish of me... how... foolish of me to think that... no.


That's what I'm here for.
How foolish of me to think anything different.
I should be punished for that. I should be locked up in my room. I deserve everything that's coming to me.

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now