Chapter 5

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-[Y/N] Pov-
We finally get to the Schuyler's house. We walk to the door and I knock on it. Someone opens it.

"Oh hello, come on in, I'll get Mr. Schuyler for you." He opens the door wider and we walk in. The man closes the door and walks away.

"Hey Charles?" I ask.

"Yes your majesty?" He responds.

"Do I... have to talk?" I asked and looked at the floor.

"Yes m'lady, it would be quite rude if you didn't," he explained. I sighed.


A few minutes later, a man and thee women, one girl is wearing a pink dress, one in a blue dress, and one in a yellow dress, into the room and stand in front of me.

"Hello your majesty, sorry for keeping you waiting, we welcome you," the man, Philip Schuyler, says.

"Thank you for inviting me," I say.

"No problem," he says. "Oh yeah! These are my daughters," he looks at the women. "Come on" he whispers.

The girl in the pink dress walks up to me.

"Hello m'lady, I'm Angelica Schuyler, the oldest Schuyler sister, nice to meet you," she says and she puts her hand out, I take it and shake her hand. She walks away, and the one wearing the blue dress walks up to me.

"Hello, my name is Elizabeth Schuyler, you can just call me Eliza, I'm the second oldest Schuyler sister, it's nice to meet you," she says. I shake her hand as well. She walks next to Angelica. The last girl, the one in the yellow dress, walks up to me.

"I'm Peggy, you can probably guess that I'm the youngest, it's really nice to meet you," she says. I shake her hand and she walks next to her sisters.

I look at them and smile.

"I'm [Y/N], please call me that instead of your majesty or stuff like that. That's too fancy for me, and if we're being real, I'm not actually as fancy as I look." I say. Charles gives me a death glare. I start sweating. "Uhm.. it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Your majesty, can I talk to you for a second," Charles whispers over my shoulder.

"Uhm.. sure," I respond.

"Excuse us, I have to talk to her majesty real quick," Charles says. He starts walking away and I follow him.

"Your majesty, in all due respect, what was that? You're 'not actually as fancy as you look'?"

"I was trying to tell the truth!"

"Well sometimes telling the truth isn't the best thing to do!"

"Sorry," I look down.

"It's fine, lets go back out," he says and we walk back to the main part.

"Sorry about that," he says.

"Oh, it's fine," Philip Schuyler says.

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now