Chapter 29

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I finish writing the letter, pleading for Washington to let me live with him. I run downstairs just in time to get to the mailman.

I hand the letter to him. "Make sure General Washington gets this as soon as possible. Please make sure no guards see this letter, thank you." I tell him. I then run back to my room. Most of the guards won't say anything, but its people like Charles who will tell because they love the rules.

I know it'll probably take a month, but as long as it gets to him, I'll be happy. I need to get away from father, Charles, and especially Alex. All I have to do is wait.

- a month later (Bc Kenny is lazy af)-

I'm sitting in my room, I've been doing nothing but this for the past month. I got grounded.. you can probably guess why. They act like I'm a child, I'm an adult, let me be one.

There's a knock on the door. DeDe walks in and hands me two letters. "I didn't tell anyone I had them, considering who they're from."

"Thank you," I say, taking the letter. She walks out and closes the door behind her. I tear open and read the letter from Washington first, not bothering to look at the other.

'Dear [Y/N],
If this is what you really want, I will send a carriage to take you to Mount Vernon with my wife, Martha, I sent her a letter telling her you might be arriving. The carriage should be there the night you get this letter if I timed it right. I told the driver to stop a little away to not raise suspicion. Be careful, I would hate if you got caught. I hope to see you after the war.
George Washington.'

He's already better than father, he doesn't sigh his letters as 'Daddy George.'

It's already pretty late, so I pack a bag with parchment and a quill, though I don't doubt Washington will have them, I want them just in case. I also pack one dress, not a poofy or big one, a small one that's easy to fold up. I can get new ones when I get there. When I'm done, I look at the other... Alex..? I immediately drop everything and rip it open, before I can realize what I'm doing, I'm sitting on my bed, desperately reading it.

'My dearest, [Y/N],
I miss you a lot. There is not a day that goes by where I'm not thinking of you. I saw you sent a letter to Washington. How come you sent one to him but not to me? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound selfish. It's just that I haven't seen you in a while and I just really want to hear from you. Eliza sent me a letter recently, what was that about? She talked about you letting her have me? Do you not love me anymore? I'm sorry if I did something wrong. Anyways, I'm sorry if you didn't want to hear from me, but please write me back.
            Yours forever,

I find myself wiping tears from my eyes. I'm sorry Alex. I do still love you...

I get up and quickly write goodbye notes. Charles, DeDe, Carly, Alex, and a not so nice one for my father. I look outside, I should get going. I don't want the carriage to leave without me.

I put the letters on my desk and blow out my candle. It's time to go. I didn't think I would be so willing to run away, but at this point they'll be better off with me gone. I've done more bad than good recently. I pick up my bag and open the door. No ones there. I start walking down the stairs and I get right to the door when someone says.

"Where are you going?" I turn around and Charles is sitting on the couch. I feel tears pricking at my eyes. I apologized for everything in the letter... but I feel I need to do it now as well.

"I'm sorry Charles, I'm sorry for everything. You were always like a father to me, I'm sorry that I caused so much pain to you and got you so mad. I'll miss you... I love you just like you were my father... goodbye," I say, tears streaming down my face.

"What do you mean?" He asks just as I close the door. I make a run towards the carriage in the distance. "[Y/N]!" I hear Charles yell, there's actual emotion in his voice. Confusion and sadness mixed together... I'm sorry Charles.. please don't come looking for me.

I quickly get into the carriage. As we start riding away I see Charles running after me, I think I see tears...

Charles... I'm sorry...

The last thing I hear before I'm off our property is Charles screaming after me. "[Y/N]!!! PLEASE!! AT LEAST WRITE ME!"

Tears fall down my face as I look back and see Charles fall to the ground and cover his face....


I'm so sorry Charles.... I didn't know you cared that much... I'll miss you the most...

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now