Chapter 20

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Once we get back to the ball, I see Charles run out of the doors, he looks over at me and rushes over.

"Your highness, you scared me half to death. I thought you got kidnapped," he says. He sees my sad expression. "Did something happen? Are you alright?"

"Everything's fine, I just went for a walk with my friend John, I'll be going back inside now. I'll meet you out here when the ball is over. Go, have fun," I say, walking past Charles and back into the building.

I give my cloak back to the lady, this time not saying anything and walking back into the ballroom. I go back to my little hideaway, that's not really a hideaway, and sit down with a sigh. I look out and I see a few things. I see Angelica Schuyler looking very sad, Eliza Schuyler looking love struck and dancing with Alex. I see Charles acting like he's having fun while dancing with some lady, and I see John hanging out on the side looking sad, and sporting a fake smile.

Alex and I make eye contact, he smiles then winks at me, I blush and look away. He should not be flirting with me while dancing with someone who's into him. After the dance is over I see Alex go over to John and they start walking to where I am, I start panicking, I don't want to know what he wants, but I can't move. The world seems to move slower the closer they get, my mind is trying to delay the inevitable. I thought I told Alex to go after Eliza, this wasn't supposed to happen.

They make their way over. I try to calm down a little, it works a bit. Though, I still feel tense when they walk over.

"Hey [Y/N]!" John says. He smiles at me. I smile back and wave.

They talk to me. They explain this whole plan, it's not that bad but all of this for me? No, I don't deserve this, he should just be with Eliza, not me.

"Alex, I don't want to lie to my father. If he finds out, you know what he'll do, right? If not, I'll tell you, he'll call everything off and make sure I never see any of you again," I say in a final moment of hope that Alex will listen to me, of course, he didn't.

"It's better to be disciplined for being with someone you have attraction to than someone you don't have any attraction to," he retaliates. John sits there awkwardly, like he wants to say something, but has no idea what.

I groan. "Alex, you obviously don't get the gravity of this situation. Not being able to see the person you love is worse than getting married off to someone you don't love."

"So you admit you love me?" he teases. I blush and look at the floor. "Look [Y/N], I get what you're saying, but can't we just try?"

"I'll give you guys some privacy," John says. He gets up and walks away.

"Alex..." I say and close my eyes to fight back my tears.

"Please [Y/N]... you're the only one I wanna be with..." he states. "Elizabeth is nice and all... but I can only see myself married to you."

"Alex.. I..." I look up at him. I look into his eyes... he really means it. I didn't think anyone would want to marry me. I'm so informal and stupid and ugly... but the thought of someone seeing past that makes me happy.

"[Y/N]... will you do me the honor of courting me?" He asks and smiles. I smile.

"I'll put in a good word for you." I get up and kiss his cheek. I hear him utter 'yes!' under his breath. I giggle walk away.

Boy, you got me helpless...

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now