Chapter 22

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Father could be here any second and I'm not happy. I really don't want to see him, but there's nothing that I can do about it now...

I'm gonna have to tell him about Alex in person and that's not what I wanted to do. Damn stuff is just not working out today.

I can barely focus on the book I'm reading, I think I've only read one page in 10 minutes. I look up at DeDe.

"I can't focus on anything," I say. She looks at me and nods.

"Me neither. Last thing I wanna do is see your father. I'm pretty sure he hates me as well." She says bluntly.

"What? Why would he hate you?" I ask.

"Ever since I've married Frank something is off. He might think I'm a distraction to him," she says.

"I guess he has seemed a little aloof recently, but that's no reason to hate you. I'll ask him if you want," I tell her. She smiles.

"Go ahead. Be sure to tell me what he says," she agreed. I nod and try to get back into my book.

My mind wanders off. I think back to what happened with Alex. Why did I say that? He looked so cute... I must've been in a trance of some kind!

I blush and look away from my book, hoping to forget all about the night prior.

Charles walks in, he looks annoyed. "Your highness, your father is here."

I sigh and get up. I really don't want to see him right now. It's a good thing I decided not to be depressed and get dressed this morning. Charles brings me out to where my father is.

"THERE'S MY LITTLE GIRL!" My father yells as he hug me. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

"I missed you too..." I responded, rolling my eyes. "I... I found a suitor..." I decided to get this out of the way. He stops hugging me and hold onto my shoulders.

"Who could be better than the person I set you up with?!" He asks.

"Literally everything..." I mumble. "Um... well I'm actually..."

"I WANT TO MEET HIM!" He yells! "Charles! Write to this man and tell him to come!"

"Yes sir!" Charles bows and walks away. Great, I'm on my own now.

I fake a yawn. "I'm tired, I should go to sleep."

"Oh alright," He says. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." He kisses me on the forehead.

I nod and walk upstairs to me room.

Carly comes in. "Do you want to get changed?" She asks.

"No, I'm going out tonight once my father goes to sleep." I tell her, she nods and leaves.

I wait until I think my father is asleep. I sneak out of my room. I don't know where I'm going to go, but I have a rough idea. I get out of the house and leave the property before I can get caught.

It's not that my father is a bad person, I'm just uneasy when I'm around him. Like he's acting.

I walk around for a while until I find where I want to go. I knock on the door. I hope they're not asleep. The door swings open, thank god.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" They ask.

AYYYYYY! Sadly, marching band season is over and I'll have time to do stuff! So here I am!! Get ready for more updates!!!


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