Chapter 13

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-[Y/N] Pov-
Carly dressed me in my night clothes and left me to sleep. But instead, I decided to sneak out with Alex. How am I going to get out without the guards noticing? Especially Charles, he would get me in trouble with my father.

I open my door and make sure the coast is clear. I tip toe out of my room and down the hallway. I hear footsteps and duck under a table.

"I don't think she wants to get married to Mr. Jefferson," I hear Dede say.

"What makes you say that?" Her husband, Frank, says.

"She got a letter from another man and her face went red. I wonder what was in that letter," she says.

"If she doesn't go through with the marriage, then her dad will kill us, and I don't mean metaphorically," He says. The finally walk away. I get up and tip toe out of the house. I walk to the "slave" house and I see Alex standing there.

"Alex!" I whisper-yelled.

"[Y/N]!" He whisper-yelled back.

Hellohellohello! Sorry that this is so short. I've had a busy day and such. I'll try to get a longer chapter out tomorrow. BAII!!


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