Chapter 15

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-Y/N Pov-
This. Feels. Like. Prison.

I am only a few weeks into my prison sentence, I mean my grounding, and I want to die. I mean, what's new though? Ha... jokes... hahaha....

Anyways, I've tried to go outside, but there's guards everywhere. I feel stuck in my own home. I've tried to order them to let me leave, but according to a letter and by Charles telling me, my father is now involved. He threatened to have Alex hanged if I ever saw him again. Luckily, I convinced him that he had nothing to do with it and he shouldn't be punished for what I did. Plus, the good news is that they don't know his name or what he looks like.

Even worse though, the American Revolution has started and according to Charles, I've been getting a lot of threatening letters from soldiers. Charles invited General Washington over to help clear things up, he said he would come and that he would bring his right hand man to record everything.

That was a week ago. He's coming today. I got dressed and tried my best to not look like all the life was sucked out of me. I tried to look presentable, for once.

A few minutes after I practiced my smile, something I haven't done in a while, Charles came up.

"Mr. Washington is here, he's sitting in the dining room, remember to be nice and to be proper," he says. I nod. All of my 'not properness' has been forced out of me by one of the maids. So now, I strictly respond to 'your majesty,' 'your highness," and stuff like that.

"Alright. Thanks Charles," I responded. I stand straight up and walk down to the dining room, with Charles walking beside me.

General Washington stands up and hits the guy next to him so he stands up. I see a clear view of his right hand mans face and I could hardly recognize him, Alex was General Washington's right hand man. I'm taken aback, but I had to act like I didn't know him.

"Your highness, it's nice to make your acquaintance," General Washington says and kisses my hand. "My name is George Washington and this is my aide de camp, Alexander Hamilton, he will be recording our whole meeting."

Alex rushes over.

"It's nice to meet you your majesty," Alex says and kissed my hand like Washington did.

"It's nice to meet you both, I hope this meeting will clear things up with your soldiers. Let's have a seat," I responded. I look at Charles and he nods in approval. We sit down at a small round table in the dining room. There's a bigger table, but I thought it more convenient to sit at this one.

"Carly, can you get us some tea please?" I ask. Carly nods and hurries off to get the tea. One thing they have not, and will not force out of me is how I'm nice to everyone that works on my property, slave or not. I look back at General Washington and smile. I see Alex scribbling away on some parchment. What could he be writing? We haven't said anything yet.

Carly comes back with the tea and pours it in each of our cups.

"Thank you," I say. She nods and walks off.

Washington clears his throat. "So, let's get to business. Most of us want to know, are you for or against the revolution?" He asked. I didn't think I was going to be interrogated.

"Uhm... I... Oh god... whatever I say is just going to get me in more trouble.." I say. Washington looks pitiful.

"It okay your highness," Charles starts. "We won't report anything you say back to your father." I nod.

"In that case, I am for the revolution. I don't agree with anything my father is doing and honestly, I feel he's overreacting, not just with you guys, but with me as well. He thinks that if you win, which to him is a very slim chance, he'll loose me as a daughter. I won't go into that, I've already said too much... sorry, I ramble," I responded.

"No it's okay, the more you speak your mind, the easier it'll be to get the soldiers to believe you," Washington inquires.

"How much you wanna bet they'll actually believe anything I'm saying?" I say and raise an eyebrow.

"True..." Washington says.

"Anything I say will be lost in the abyss of hatred," I sigh and close my eyes. "I'm just trying to be nice, but when all I'm ever hit back with is hatred, it makes me wonder why I'm even trying, I guess I just have to keep my head up, hopefully it'll get better eventually. That's something I've learned from my books, usually bad things happen for the protagonist before it gets better. I'm hoping that happens to me."

I open my eyes and look around. Charles seems surprised, but is pleased with what I said, Alex looks at me like he's seeing a whole new person and Washington is smiling ("can you be my daughter instead?"). I smile. Alex goes back to scribbling away on the parchment.

We talk for a while more. Alex filled up a bunch of parchment.

"We'd better get going," Washington says.

"Sorry this meeting has to be over, I guess you're both very busy people, especially when you're a General," I pronounce.

We say our goodbyes and they leave.

"Good job your majesty, looks like Deborah has been teaching you well," Charles announced. I nod.

"I have a book to read. Thank you for letting me see someone for once," I add and glare at him. I leave the room and head to the library.

I wish that I actually got to talk to Alex. I miss him. I wonder how him and his friends are doing.

DeDe walks in.

"My lady, the winters ball is in a few weeks, would you like to go?" She asks.

"I guess, hopefully by that time people won't hate me as much," I answered. She nods and walks away.

A winters ball? I wonder who'll be there...

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now