Chapter 24

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I'm laying in my bed, just staring off into space. Trying to wrap my head around that awkward conversation with Peggy. God, I must've been drunk on sleep deprivation last night.

No, that couldn't have been it, though I was acting weird enough for it to be true.

Whatever, I'll just stop thinking about it.

There's a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I ask.

"It's me, your majesty," I hear Charles say. "Your father requests your presence for breakfast."

I groan. "Can you just tell him that I'm busy this morning? Tell him that I'm in a meeting...." I say.

"You know that even if I lie just a little bit to your father I'll be gone before you can say 'Sorry.'" He says. I forgot, because father is around,Charles can't be lenient with me right now.

I sit up, "tell father I'll be down soon..." I respond. I hear Charles' footsteps as he walks away. I sigh as I sit up. I got dressed and head down the stairs. I go to take my place at head of the table but... my father was there. I don't say a word and sit next to him.

Father tries to start a conversation with me but stops once he realizes that it's not going to happen. We eat in silence. Awkward? Yes. Made me wanna die? Even more yeses.

"M'lady, you have a tea date with the Schuylers today," Charles says. I'm not sure if he's serious or if he's just trying to get me away from this awkward situation. So I just nod.

I know he doesn't know what happened, but he just took me out of an awkward situation and put me into an ever worse one.

I don't wanna think about what happened last night, but the thoughts just came rushing back like a river.

"You also got a letter from a curtain gentleman," Charles whispers in my ear. I was so engrossed in thought that I haven't even realized that Charles walked over.

I nod again and utter a thank you under my breath. I've never said this before, but Charles is more of a father figure to me than my actual father. Not to mention that I also respect Charles way more.

I think if Alex for a second. What are we? Are we friends that just keep flirting and nothings going to come out of it, or are we actually going to become something? God, why is my life such a mess?

I finish eating and excuse myself back to my room. I think about Alex again. If he knows what's good for him, he should get with Eliza... he probably already has, I took too long.

I look at the ground with a blank mind. It's been a while since I had a clear mind. It's not a comfortable clear, but when you're just so sad... you can't think.

There's a knock on the door. "Your majesty, are you okay?" Charles asks from behind the door.

"I'm fine," I say, my voice cracking. I touch my face, it's wet. I didn't even realize... "actually.... no, can you get DeDe for me? Please?"

"Alright, I'll send her right in," he says and walks away. As much as I see Charles as a father figure, I see DeDe as a mother figure. She's the best person to ask for advice. If I've learned anything throughout all these years. You want advice on anything: go to DeDe.

Like the mother she is, she bursts right through the door, swiftly closing it behind her. "I don't know what to do DeDe..." I say. She immediately sits down next to me and puts her arm around me.

"Boy trouble?" She asks. I nod. "What happened?"

"I just feel like I'm taking too long and he's just going to move onto the next woman..." I admitted. "Someone who's much prettier, nicer, and honestly, looks better with him..."

"Who is this woman?" DeDe asks.

"Elizabeth Schuyler.." I tell her. "She already likes him, so why not just let her have him... she's better for him anyways..."

"Hey, look, if this boy truly loves you, he'll wait for you, alright? He won't just throw you out like yesterday's garbage." She responded. I nod. I wanna ask her about what happened last night, but I don't think she'll know anything about that.

"Thank you... but are you sure?" I ask, looking down. She takes her arm from around me and puts her hands on my shoulders, looking at me straight in the eye.

"I've never been more sure about anything. Look, your highness, if he actually loves you, he will wait. If he moves on, you'll know that the love was not true," she says, her eyes intense. I nod. "Now, you have a tea date to get ready for."

"Wait, that was a real thing? I thought Charles was just getting me out of an awkward situation." I tell her. But I feel this will be more awkward, considering what happened with Peggy...

"As real as the hair on my head," she says, pulling at her hair. DeDe gets up. "Anyways, I'll leave you be your highness, I'll send Carly up in a bit." She closes the door behind her and I'm alone again.

God, I guess I just have to face Peggy, I can't avoid her forever. What kind of friend would I be if I just avoided her? Not a very good one. Just be cool, maybe she doesn't really remember, it was late at night, and she was really tired. I sigh, I'm not ready for this...

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