Chapter 21

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I try to find Charles to tell him I want to leave, but I get interrupted by a tall guy. He grabs my wrist and I pull it back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask. They smile.

"I'm sorry. I'm not really good at talking to people... um... I was wondering if we could dance?" He asked. I didn't wanna day no, but he was creepy and I wanted to go home.

"I'm actually about to leave, I'm sorry." I say and start to walk away. He grabs my wrist again.

"Please, just one dance," he pleads. "It'll be quick."

I pull my hand away again. "I said no. I'm leaving. I have an urgent matter to take care of." This time I rush off and find Charles.

"Did something happen your highness?" He asks, abandoning the girl that was trying to dance with him. She pouts and stomps away.

"I just.. I'm really tired and I wanna go home please," I responded. I then added as a whisper, "Plus the people here are really creepy, this one guy grabbed my wrist."

"Alright, we'll leave right away," he says. We make our way back through the crowd. I keep looking around to make sure that guy is not following us. I've never felt so frightened in my whole life.

We walk out, taking my cloak, and walking back to the carriage. Charles lets me get in then goes to sit in the front. As the carriage starts moving I feel myself slowly falling out of consciousness until sleep completely consumes me. 

~in the morning~

I awake in my bed. I rub my eyes and yawn. I look around the room. I should probably clean it up a bit. Charles will probably yell at me for that, but whatever. There's a knock on my door.

"Come in," I groan. Charles walks in with a letter in his hand. He looks sorta angry.

"I advise you to read this at once then come down for breakfast. You don't have to get dressed, we have nothing to do today," he states then calmly walks off. His expression does not match his body language at all.

I look at the letter and read it.

"My dearest little [Y/N],
I hate to tell you in such short notice, but I've missed you so. I will be arriving in New York to visit a little after this letter reaches you. I want to check on my little girl. No one must know I'm here unless it's necessary. I'll see you in a bit my lovely daughter.
Daddy George III"

"Damn it!" I yell, throwing the letter across the room. He's the last person I wanna see right now. I can see now why Charles was angry. A visit from my father should not be this sudden. Usually when my father visits anywhere it takes months of preparation, something must've happened, right?

I get up and stretch. I then stomp downstairs, making as much noise as I can to alert not only that I'm angry, but that I'm on my way down.

I sit down at the dining table. Everyone speeds up as to not make me anymore angry. Charles walks over.

"I see you read the letter," he says, trying to hide his anger. Sadly, it's harder for me to do that.

"Why the hell is he coming so suddenly?!!" I yell, slamming my fists on the table. "He couldn't have planned with us first?!"

"I can see why you're angry, but this way you'll be able to tell him about the suitor you met last night," he states.

"How did you know that I met someone last night?" I ask. Charles cracks a smile.

"I can tell, I've been with you since you were a small child, I can tell your ticks with different emotions," he tells me. I nod.

"But then he's gonna want to meet him!" I yell.

"And he's not wealthy."

"EXACTLY!" I sigh. "I could lie to him, but if he found out..."

"Just lie, he won't found out if no one tells him," Charles said. Charles never really backs up my ideas, especially stupid ones like that. What's going on lately?

"I just want to know why the hell he didn't tell us?!" DeDe comes storming in. "I don't care about if who she loves is wealthy or not! Why the fuck is he coming to suddenly!"

"Dede, calm down, we have no idea when he could walk through that door. You don't want to be angry when he does, that won't look good," Charles says. Carly comes in and sets down my breakfast, another woman comes in and pours tea into my cup. I thank them and they nod and walk away.

Dede takes a deep breath and walks away. I decide to eat before my food gets cold.

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now