Chapter 26

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After that fiasco we had a normal chat. God it feels good not to be by myself for once. Well, I'm never actually by myself.

"I'm glad you came!" Eliza said. She's been a joy. All 3 of them have. I don't really like talking to people, but I don't mind talking to them.

"I had a great time today! I almost forgot how it felt like to not be alone," I say. Eliza hugs me.

"Come any time!" She exclaimed. Then whispers, "thank you for letting me have Alexander."

I almost cried again. I can't believe I let her have him. It's too late, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm just tell my dad that I'll marry Jefferson.

Eliza lets go of me. "I'll see you another time. Goodbye!" I said. Charles and I took our leave. We stopped at another British guard and told me to stay there for a second. He walked over to a girl. She looks happy to see him. They look over at me. I feel myself sweating. She stares into my soul.

I can already tell that I don't trust that woman. She's smiling but her face looks like something right out of my novels. The ones with sociopathic villains. I really hope Charles doesn't court her.

She finally looks away from me and they wonder into a store. I decide to seize this opportunity and sneak away from the guard.

I realize what I'm doing may be a mistake, but hey. At this point, if someone kidnaps and kills me, I really wouldn't care. As I walk around the corner my heartbeat quickens. I've never done this before. I'm not a person who'll do this. I don't know why I'm doing this. I'm afraid.

As I turn the corner I realize that I think I'm going to Alex's house. But, he's off at the war... there's no way he's home. I remember the address in the letter about going to the bar. Yeah... I'm heading right there. Even if he's not home, I can't risk it. I can't see his face after I just gave him away like property.

I'm in a trance like state walking toward his house. I swear I can see his face through the window when someone grabs my wrist.

"Good try your highness. I have eyes on the back of my head," Charles says. He sounds pissed off. Probably at me. He looked happy with that demon girl. Which reminds me, I don't think I've ever seen Charles smile genuinely. He was turned away from me, but I think he smiled with demon girl.

I shake my head. "I'm sorry. I.. I don't know what came over me..."

"I'm not going to tell your father, but you will be punished for this," he states blankly. He starts dragging me away and I look back to Alex's home. I swear I can see him waving to me... I shake my head and look away. I'm just crazy.

I really hope Charles doesn't court demon girl.

One of Those Rubbish Brits. [Alexander Hamilton X Reader][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now